meine - What is the difference between mein and meine Answers

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meine - Mein vs Meinen vs Meiner Whats polking the difference Sloeful Meinen vs Meine vs Meiner vs Mein rGerman Reddit meine translation in German English Reverso dictionary see also meinen meiner mein Meineid examples definition conjugation What is the difference between mein and meine mein Apr 1 2020 Synonym for mein Those are different forms of the possesive pronoun mein in different cases Kasus its a bit complicated Kasus has 4 cases for example Nominativ wer oder was who or what masculine der Hund the dog mein Hund feminine die Katze the cat meine Katze neutral das Haus the house mein Haus plural die Hunde the dogs meine Hunde Akkusativ wen oder was whom or what Mein vs Meine Whats the Difference What is the difference between mein meine HiNative Apr 1 2020 Synonym for mein meine meiner Mein Bruder heißt Hans Mein Buch ist sehr interresant Meine Katze ist 4 Jahre alt Ich brauche meinen Kuli Ich bin mit meiner Freundin gelernt meinen is also used for things and people in singular akkusativ Ich besuche meinen Freund Ich verwende meinen ComputerThe difference is the relationship between the nomen and the other parts of the sentence in Mein vs Meinen vs Meiner The German language can seem a bit daunting with seemingly endless variations of words that mean similar things One example of this is the confusion between the words mein and meinen Jan 8 2017 meine Privatangelegenheiten My turn will come Meine Zeit kommt noch My pain has gone Meine Schmerzen sind weg Both of my exgirlfriends were there Meine ExFreundinnen waren beide da My sight is very poor Meine Augen sind sehr schlecht My appeals met with no response Meine Bitten fanden kein Echo My appeals met with no response Meine Oct 24 2024 Meine Mutter my mother Feminine Meine Freunde my friends Plural 2 Case Nominative vs Accusative The case of the noun can also influence the form of the possessive pronoun Nominative Case for subjects Masculine mein dein Ihr Example Mein Hund spielt My dog is playing FemininePlural meine deine Ihre Example English translation of meine Collins Online Dictionary Feb 27 2024 Mein and meine are German possessive pronouns with mein used for masculine and neuter nouns while meine is for feminine and plural nouns Key Differences Mein is a possessive pronoun in German used for masculine singular nouns like Hund dog and neuter singular nouns like Buch book English Translation of MEINE The official Collins GermanEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of German words and phrases TRANSLATOR What is the difference between mein and meine HiNative meine Translation in LEOs English German Dictionary Nov 20 2016 Synonym for mein EGOIST Im just going to give examples for the nominative case You would say Mein Buch because Buch is neuter Mein Bruder because Bruder is masculine Meine Schwester because Schwester is feminine Meine Bücher because Bücher is plural gender doesnt matterEGOIST Mein for singular masculinneutral noun Meine for a singular feminine noun grammar The difference between mein and meine German Oct 10 2023 sadap Mein and meine both mean my or mine in English Mein is used for male and neuter forms meine for female and plural formsExamplesmyMy father male is mein Vater in GermanMy pet neuter Jul 27 2021 Recommended study materials on the topic AGrammar Practice German grammar incl answers German selfstudy book for A1B1 incl answers mein or meine After looking at the table above you might ask yourself when you should add the e to the pronouns as in meine and when it should stay mein The difference between mein and meine Wyzant What is the difference between mein and meine Answers Translate meine from German to English mean think believe Meine Damen und Herren mein Haus ist meine Burg meine Uhr geht nach See word usage in contexts conjugation and declension Declension German article mein with plural and genus Both mein and meine can be used with neutral singular nouns depending on the context The difference between mein and meine is due to the gender of the noun not the number or case The specific case nominative accusative dative or genitive influences the form but the gender determines whether to use mein or meine Possessive pronouns using mein and meine in German Learn how to use and decline the possessive article mein in singular and plural in all cases See examples definitions translations and speech output for mein and related words Meine is used when the noun has feminine gender or is plural Meine Katze heißt Rüebli Meine Töchter spielen gern zusammen Case also plays a big role and is what makes the situation complicated The instances above are all in the nominative case that is the noun in question is the subject of the sentence MEINE Translation in English babla Jun 10 2023 Meine is used to indicate feminine gender or plural form Both mein and meine are used in German to indicate possession or ownership and they are possessive pronouns The only difference between mein and meine lies in their gender where mein is used for the masculine gender while meine is used for feminine gender May 9 2019 Learn the difference between mein and meine two forms of the same word that indicate possession in German See examples of how to use them with masculine feminine and neutral nouns When to use mein vs meine dein vs deine Ihr vs Ihre in What is the Difference Between Mein and Meine redbcmcom Translation of meine to English PROMTOne Translator Distinguishing Mein Meine A Comparison Whats Different meine translation in English GermanEnglish dictionary Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren ich muß mich an die Tribunenbesucher wenden morevert openinnew Link to source Feb 27 2015 2 Meine I selected Mein which I found to be incorrect In the discussion thread somebody who claimed to be a native speaker mentioned that if some adjectives are used directly before the noun then it should be Meine But here no adjective is used before the noun Hemden but still Meine is correct nonton rebahin I dont understand why

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