microdiamond - Performance of a PTW 60019 microDiamond detector in a 15 T

microdiamond - microDiamond can be used down to sqs the smallest field size defined in IAEA TRS483 04 cm 1 It is well characterized The microDiamond is one of the most studied smallfield detectors The Journal Medical Physics alone lists 145 articles that contain the keywords microDiamond and PTW checked at The response of microDiamond detector can be well described under various measuring conditions by the dose conversion factor and the dependency of its fluencebased subfactors on detector characteristics Monte Carlo simulations offer an improvement in the understanding particularly of smallfield e A microdiamond detector type TM 60019 PTW Freiburg Germany along with tandem electrometer is used in this study This has specifications of longterm stability per year 05 025 and 03 for 1 KGy for 18 MV photons and 18 MeV electrons respectively The microDiamond is a synthetic diamond detector which is well characterized unique and versatile for highprecision dosimetry in highenergy photon electron proton and carbon ion beams This allinone detector is the perfect detector for small and very small field dosimetry as well as large field dosimetry May 22 2020 For this subset of angles the microDiamond in faceon orientation still has a significant angular dependence with the range of response as large as 12 at the 10 10 cm 2 field In faceon orientation the microDiamond is therefore highly angular dependent and would be inappropriate for measurements that involved multidirectional beam Characterizing a PTW microDiamond detector in kilovoltage Metamorphic microdiamond formation is controlled by water Apr 8 2021 Microdiamond source and nucleation importance of phase transitions related to water activity Different mechanisms for metamorphic microdiamond formation have been proposed insitu formation from internal carbon source ie organic matter 12 or metasomatism from a mobile COH fluidmelt similar to kimberlitic diamonds 3 38 The microDiamond performance was compared with an Advanced Markus ionization chamber and a PTW silicon diode E in terms of dose linearity percentage depth dose PDD curves beam profiles and output factors Results A good linearity of the microDiamond response was verified in the dose range from 02 Gy to 28 Gy A sensitivity of 129 nCGy Microdiamonds Frontier of ultrahighpressure metamorphism Evaluation of the PTW microDiamond in edgeon orientation for Metamorphic microdiamond formation is controlled by water Dec 1 2019 The origin of microdiamonds 05 mm and rarely 1 mm has been a topic of long standing debate and uncertainty Boyd 1989The presence and determination of microdiamonds has received increasing attention over the past several decades to the point that these barely visible diamonds are now center stage to kimberlite exploration and modern evaluation programs Diamond detector in absorbed dose measurements in highenergy PTW microDiamond A Decade of Measuring Small Fields Jan 1 2012 Discoveries of microdiamond within metasedimentary rocks clearly refute this theory and suggest that continental slabs can be subducted to a depth of 120150 km and more then return back to the Earths surface during tectonic exhumation Diamond is the strongest of all known minerals and synthetic compounds Jul 17 2019 Data on the output correction factor for small photon beam dosimetry of the microDiamond detector manufactured by the company PTW can be penduso found in a variety of papers Referring either to measurements or to Monte Carlo MC calculations they show substantial disagreements particularly at very small fields Apr 8 2021 The Bohemian microdiamond samples represent a unique occurrence of monocrystalline octahedral and polycrystalline cubooctahedral microdiamonds in two different metasedimentary rock types By microDiamond Type 60019 ptwdosimetrycom A Monte Carlo study on the PTW 60019 microDiamond detector Microdiamond in a lowgrade metapelite from a Cretaceous Performance of a PTW 60019 microDiamond detector in a 15 T Jun 1 2020 A microdiamond detector type TM 60019 with tandem electrometer is used to measure absorbed doses in water nylon and PMMA phantoms With sensitive volume 0004 mm³ radius 11 mm thickness 1 Microdiamonds Proposed origins crystal growth laws and Characterization of a microDiamond detector in highdoseper A Monte Carlo study on the PTW 60019 microDiamond detector Nearly as good as water ptwdosimetrycom Mar 8 2018 The PTW 60019 microDiamond is close to an ideal detector for small field dosimetry due to its small physical size high signaltonoise ratio and approximate water equivalence It is important to fully characterise the performance of the detector in a 15 T magnetic field prior to its use for MRIlinac commissioning and quality assurance Is the PTW 60019 microDiamond a suitable candidate for small Jul 15 2020 The coexistence of microdiamond and Mgcarbonates suggests the precipitation of microdiamond from COH fluid under pressures higher than 28 GPa This is the first report of metamorphic Dec 1 2015 The microDiamond dosimetric characteristics make this dosimeter suitable for precise dosimetry in Intra Operative Radiation Therapy with highdoseperpulse electron beams Compared to the ionization chamber the microDiamond does not require any correction for influence quantities charge recombination and stopping power variation with water depth microDiamond is a waterproof diskshaped single crystal diamond detector SCDD that measures absorbed dose to water in photon electron and proton fields It has a very small sensitive volume excellent spatial resolution and minimal doserate and doseperpulse dependence making it ideal for small field dosimetry Mar 7 2018 The microDiamond measurements red are in excellent agreement with the CC04 measurements green Differences are shown in blue Maximum difference within the cm 2 beam is 05 The microDiamond measurement exhibits a sharper penumbra than the CC04 measurement as expected There are no outoffield lowdose or backgroundsubtraction issues Aug 9 2017 A systematic study of the PTW microDiamond MD output factors OF is reported aimed at clarifying its response in small fields and investigating its suitability for small field reference dosimetry Ten MDs were calibrated under 60 Co irradiation OF measurements were performed in 6 MV photon beams by a CyberKnife M6 a Varian DHX and an Performance of a PTW 60019 microDiamond detector in a 15 T microDiamond PTW ptwdosimetrycom Characterization of a microDiamond detector in highdoseper bias voltage is required the microDiamond detector can and should be operated at 0 V Stable as a diamond sensitive as a diode A matter of technology As a synthetic diamond detector which is reproducibly manufactured in a new innovative production process microDiamond combines the advantages of natural cumelaude diamond detectors and silicon

