mikitop - Share your videos with friends family kredibel and the world mikitoP みきとP also known as Ajima 愛島 for cover songs is a VOCALOID producer who debuted in March 2010 During 2010 he mainly used SFA2 miki where he also got his producer name from However starting from 2011 he began using several different VOCALOIDs such as Hatsune Miku Kagamine Rin and GUMI His most popularnotable works are Roki Shoujorei and Yī Èr Fanclub アカイト AkaitomikitoP Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki Fandom mikitoP Vocaloid Wiki MikitoP 愛島 Aijima Type Music producer Tags guitarist 5 male vocalist 4 rock 4 bassist 3 Show all 18 Edit tags Official links Bilibili email Facebook NND Account NND MyList NND MyList Utattemita Piapro Spotify TikTok Tumblr Twitter Twitter utaite Website YouTube Channel Unofficial links みきとP Wikipedia みきとP Vocaloid Database ロキ Roki Vocaloid Wiki Fandom みきとP mikitoP Official HP ROKI is an original song by MikitoP This song has entered Hall of Myths on February 3 2024 and exceeded over 75 million views on YouTube and over 2 million views on bilibili Hence this is one of MikitoPs most notable songs This song was featured in the following albums DAISAN WAVE ロキ gelombang longitudinal Roki single This song was featured in the following compilation albums 初音ミク Project 小学校低学年の頃にはピアノの習い事をやっていたが乗り気ではなく辞めてしまった 2 その後小学6年生の頃から音楽に興味を持ちはじめthe boomの影響を受けてギターを手に取った 2 中学生時代は学校にギターを持って行き放課後に友人とミニアンプで鳴らして遊んだり中学3年生 MikitoP is a Japanese producer and composer who uses various Vocaloids such as Hatsune Miku Kagamine Rin and GUMI He debuted in 2010 and has many popular songs such as Ii Aru Fanclub and Roki 作編曲作詞音楽コンポーザーでありボカロPであるみきとPの情報発信新着や過去実績You Tubeチャンネルディスコグラフィー問い合わせ先の掲載 A new music service with official albums singles videos remixes live performances and more for Android iOS and desktop Its all here MikitoP Utaite Wiki Fandom mikitoP Official YouTube Producers mikitoP music lyrics supervision Shobon drums CHRIS illustration video StudioU17 lyrics tuning engineering OpenLabPlatform subtitles BB Lyrics Japanese ver Chinese ver Japanese Romaji English あれから一体どれくらい 君との距離は 開いてしまったの MikitoP Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki Fandom Aijima 愛島 is the utaite name of the VOCALOID producer MikitoP みきとP His voice has a unique nasal and slightly husky tone to it which sounds soothing to many of his fans He is known for his carefree style of singing not focusing too much on vocal techniques but rather on conveying emotions Technically he is not a strong singer but he is wise and does not try to do xiyue things MikitoP YouTube Music