mokmer - Battle of Biak Wikipedia

Brand: mokmer

mokmer - Mokmer adalah salah satu kampung di edutown Distrik Biak Kota Kabupaten Biak Numfor Papua Indonesia dibentuk tahun 1974 Jarak dari pusat pemerintahan Distri 15 Km dari pusat Kabupaten 18 KM Dulu nama Lapangan Terbang Biak adalah Mokmer sekarang Bandara Frans KaisiepoSekarang Kampung Mokmer telah dimekarkan menjadi 5 Kampung setelah Parai dan Anggraidi disusul dengan Kampung Manggandisapi Biak Red Dirt Research The Unit History of the 501st says only that their camp was three miles from Mokmer along the coastal road There were three airfields on Biak Mokmer Sorido and Borokoe The 345th flew their missions out of Mokmer drome There was also a new airfield on the nearby island of Owi and the headquarters of V Bomber Command and the 5th Air Force Mokmer Airfield is located to the west of Mokmer village on Biak parallel to the coastline and the Japen Straight and is the only one of the three currently used as an airport Sorido Airfield has been disused since 1962 and is located to the northwest of Mokmer and is clearly visible on aerial photography Frans Kaisiepo Airport Indonesian language Bandara Frans Kaisiepo IATA BIK ICAO WABB is an airport in Biak Papua Indonesia It is also known as Mokmer Airport1 This airport is named after Frans Kaisiepo the fourth Governor of Papua Mokmer Airfield was part of a complex of airfields built on Biak Island by the Japanese Mokmer Borokoe and Sorido of which Mokmer was the main Frans Kaisiepo Airport 2 IATA BIK ICAO WABB is an airport on Biak island in Papua IndonesiaIt is also known as Mokmer Airport 3 The airport is named after Frans Kaisiepo 19211979 the fourth Governor of PapuaThe airport has seven aircraft parking slots of which two are capable of handling widebody aircraft and a small terminal without jet bridges Mokmer Biak Kota Biak Numfor Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia Frans Kaisiepo International Airport Kota Biak Wikimapia Frans Kaisiepo International Airport Wikipedia Frans Kaisiepo International Airport IndonesiaAirportcom The Battle of Biak was part of the Western New Guinea campaign of World War haji nawi II fought between the United States Army and the Japanese Army from 27 May to 17 August 1944 Taking place on the island of Biak in Geelvink Bay in presentday Indonesia it was part of General Douglas MacArthurs South West Pacific Areas offensive drive to clear New Guinea in preparation for an invasion of the MOKMER AIRFIELD ON BIAK ozatwarcom It is also known as Mokmer Airport This Airport was part of a complex of airfields built on Biak Island by the Japanese Mokmer Borokoe and Sorido of which Mokmer was the main USAAF facility after the island was taken by the United States after fierce fighting in late May and June 1944 USAAF May 27 1944 475th FG July 1944 c1950 5th AF Assoc 1990 Location Lat 1 11 24S Long 136 6 29E Mokmer Airfield is located to the west of Mokmer village less than 100 yards from the beach parallel to the southern coast of Biak Island bordering Yapen Strait Japen StraitAlso known as Mokmer Drome the eastern most of the three coastal airfields on the island IATA BIK ICAO WABB Mokmer Runways Wind door into the best place to release the tension In addition to sit down to enjoy the breeze under the shade of trees a small park on the hill they also have the best place to perpetuate their presence in Biak To the south lies the mountain scenery Airport Airport Frans Kaisiepo the largest airport in Papua which lies on the island of Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport Military Wiki Fandom MOKMER AIRFIELD ON BIAK DURING WWII Douglas Scott of 79 Squadron RAAF related his connection with Mokmer Airfield to me in April 2001After VJ day I became OC of an airstrip taken over from the US on Biak an island off the north west coast of Dutch New Guinea This became one of a chain on the homeward route for aircraft carrying ex pow Frans Kaisiepo Airport Airports Worldwide Battle of Biak Wikipedia Pacific Wrecks Mokmer Airfield Frans sektor adalah Kaisiepo Airport Biak Numfor

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