mu'awwidzatain - What is The Meaning of Mu Awwidhatayn It is an Arabic term referring to the last two suras chapters of the Quran viz Surah Falaq chapter 113 and Surah Nas chapter 114 They are two consecutive short prayers both beginning with the verse Say I seek refuge in the Lord of AlMuawwidhatayn Wikiwand Mengenal Surah Al Muawwidzatain Bacaan Dzikir hingga Doa detikcom Surah Al Muawwizatain سورة المعوذتين YouTube Surah Al Muawwidzatain sendiri terdiri dari dua surah terakhir dalam susunan mushaf AlQuran yakni surah Al Falaq dan surah An Nas Kata Al Muawwidzatain tersebut diambil dari awalan kedua surah yang samasama menggunakan kata Auzu atau aku berlindung Untuk itulah Quraish Shihab dalam buku AlQuran Maknanya menafsirkan surah Al Mu Since the two suras alNas and alFalaq begin with Say I seek the protection and their other name is Muwwidha they are called Muawwidhatayn which means the two Muwwidha 1 Simultaneous Revelation According to a report Aqaba b Amir narrated from the Prophet s Muawwidhatayn were revealed simultaneously and at once The AlMuawwidhatayn Wikipedia AlMuawwidhatayn wikishia Ruqyah is best done when using AlMuawwidhatayn Hadith on AlMuawwidhatayn Abdullah bin Khubaib May Allah be pleased with him reported The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to me Recite Surat AlIkhlas and Al Muawwidhatain Surat AlFalaq and Surat AnNas three times at dawn and dusk It will suffice you in all respects AlMuawwidhatayn Arabic المعوذتين an Arabic expression meaning The Two Protectors or The Two Protective Incantations 1 refers to the final two surahs chapters of the Quran 113 and 114 They are called The genre of these surahs has been described as prophylactic trombositopenia adalah incantations meant to ward off evil and to be recited in a private as opposed to a public domain 6 One stylistic feature of the AlMuawwidhatayn shared only in Surah 1 and Surah 109 elsewhere in the Quran is the use of the firstperson human voice throughout the entire surah 7 To the exclusion of Surah 109 however these What is AlMuawwidhatayn Islam The Ultimate Peace If his agony grew unbearable Aisha agreed to recite the Muawwidhatayn over him take his palm and wipe it over himself asking the blessing of those Surahs This Hadith was reported by AlBukhari Abu Dawud AnNasai and Ibn Majah Uqbah ibn Amr AlJuhani reported that the Prophet PBUH said What is AlMuawwidhatayn There are two surahs at the end of the Holy Quran which carry great blessings and virtue These surahs are called AlMuawwidhatayn or AlMuawwidzatain In Arabic it is written as المعوذتين and consists of Surah Falaq and Surah Nas Dalam suatu riwayat dinyatakan bahwa Aisyah ra pernah ditanya tentang surah yang dibaca oleh nabi Muhammad saw dalam shalat witir Dia menjawab Pada rakaat pertama beliau membaca sabbihisma rabbika alala pada rakaat kedua membaca qul ya ayyuha alkafirun dan pada rakaat ketiga membaca qul huwallahu ahad dan almuawwidzatain HR Inilah 3 Keutamaan Surah AlMuawwidzatain AlFalaq dan AnNas Surah Mauzatain Meaning in English Arabic Text And Benefits Iman Update Surah AlMuawwidhatayn Surah AlFalaq and Surah AnNas Quran Focus AlMuawwidhatan Arabic المعوذتان sometimes translated as Verses of Refuge is an Arabic term referring to the last two suras chapters of the Quran AlMuawwidhatayn Surah Falaq and Surah ayatnya Nas Benefits and Hadith