nadhiroh - Use of mobile app to monitoring growth outcome of children A

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nadhiroh - N Nadhiroh D Monika AK Wardhany anekaslots AB Kusumaningtyas Jurnal PoliTeknologi 21 3 97106 2022 2 2022 Realtime Measurement for Controlling Grounding Resistance Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health Linear growth determinants of under two years old children in YF Nadhiroh SAINTIFIKA ISLAMICA Jurnal Kajian Keislaman 2 01 53625362 2015 123 2015 Psikologi Belajar dan Mengajar YF Nadirah Umi Nadhiroh Google Scholar Jul 1 2024 The effects of anemia that lasts from the early stage of pregnancy are numerous including postpartum hemorrhage preterm labor lower birth weight and higher fatality risk for perinatal and neonatal mortality 4 It also affects the childrens cognitive and motoric functions that persist into adulthood 5 If it is happening this could lead to potential loss of income when their cognitive and Dr Yahdinil Firda Nadhirah MSi Google Scholar Citation Nadhiroh Siti R Good Nutrition for Quality of Life of PLWHA People Living with HIVAIDS Indonesian Journal of Public Health vol 3 no 2 2006 Download citation file Flowchart for article selection Mobile app for monitoring undernutrition in child Six studies evaluated the result of using mobile applications to monitor undernutrition in a child at least with one indicator such as parentscaretaker knowledge or anthropometric scales weight for age WAZ height for age HAZ weight for height WHZ and BMI for age BMIZ The association between secondhand smoke exposure and growth Nadhiroh SR Nurmala I Pramukti I Tivany ST Tyas LW Zari AP et al Weight stigma in Indonesian young adults Validating the indonesian versions of the weight selfstigma questionnaire and perceived weight stigma scale Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh Sedentary activity is an activity that requires very low energy expenditure such as sitting or lying down while watching television playing electronic games and reading Siti r Nadhiroh HIVAIDS have infected more than 40 million people around the world since the first case was reported in 1981 In Indonesia estimated 169 thousand till 216 thousand people have Jan 8 2024 Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh Hasanah Ayuningtyas Ika Savitri Salsabil Department of Nutrition Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Indonesia ARTICLE INFO Keywords Determinants Linear growth Stunting Undernutrition Children ABSTRACT Mar 3 2020 The current review identified that exposure to SHS may be associated with adverse growth outcomes in children It is crucial that active smokers specifically those who live with children or with a pregnant partner are made aware of the potential effects of SHS exposure on fastwok nonsmokers Further asse Weight stigma in Indonesian young adults Validating the Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh Affiliations Alinda Rahmani Research Group Center for Health and Nutrition Education Counseling and Empowerment CHENECE Surabaya Indonesia Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh Department of Nutrition Faculty of Public Health Airlangga University Surabaya Indonesia Use of mobile app to monitoring growth outcome of children A abstract Advances in knowledge and technology have created opportunities to help monitor child growth Thus we conducted a systematic review to determine if the use of mobile apps resulted in improved growth outcomes for children Siti NADHIROH Airlangga University Surabaya UNAIR Nadhiroh SR Djokosujono K Utari DM 2020 The association between secondhand smoke exposure and growth outcomes of children A systematic literature review Tobacco Induced Diseases vol 18 117958 W Nadhiroh S Hawa S Kahar M Sofa R Marlena Yayasan Penerbit Muhammad Zaini 2022 1 2022 Menemukan Universalitas Pesan Alquran Sebagai Keniscayaan dalam Use of mobile app to monitoring growth outcome of children A Association between maternal anemia and stunting in infants Good Nutrition for Quality of Life of PLWHA People Neliti May 1 2024 DOI 101016jcegh2024101605 Corpus ID 269081452 Linear growth determinants of under two years old children in Surabaya Indonesia articleNadhiroh2024LinearGD titleLinear growth determinants of under two years old children in Surabaya Indonesia authorSiti Rahayu Nadhiroh and Hasanah Ayuningtyas and Ika Savitri Salsabil journalClinical Epidemiology and Global Health year The current review emphasizes that stunting in children may be associated with maternal anemia specifically in developing countries This implies that it is crucial to prevent anemia in adolescent girls and women before and during pregnancy as a part of programs to eliminate stunting in children Linear growth determinants of under two years old children in Nadhiroh SR Ayuningtyas H Salsabil IS 2024 Linear growth determinants of under two years old children in Surabaya Indonesia Clinical Epidemiology and Efforts Undertaken by Several ASEAN Countries to Address RA Setiawan B Suwarsono U Nadhiroh Maslahah Jurnal Manajemen dan Ekonomi Syariah 1 3 7488 2023 2 2023 The system cant perform the operation now Try The association between secondhand smoke exposure and growth P Chirawat R Kamolthip R Rattaprach SR Nadhiroh SEH Tung International journal of environmental research and public health 19 23 15868 2022 17 2022 Siti NADHIROH lecturer Airlangga University Surabaya NUHA NADHIROH Google Scholar Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh Google Scholar Model development for anemia prediction in pregnancy gharimin Wardatun Nadhiroh Google Scholar

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