namaku siapa - How would I introduce myself simply in Indonesian Like HiNative

namaku siapa - مااسمك Siapa Namamu Yuhanas Blog siapa sepatu bola specs swervo namamuApa apakah referring to things for example whatApa are you hiding from me Siapa Referring to someone or a group of people human not just to ask someones name for example What do you think you are or loe pikir loe tuh siapa Apa apakah both are question words but Apakah more polite than Apa and apa can be replaced by Apakah while Apakah can not siapa namamu 和 apakah namamu 和 Apa namamu HiNative Here I give you some common phrases HaloHai Siapa namamu Siapa nama kamu What is your name Nama saya Namaku My name is Saya berasal dari I am from UmurUsia saya I am years old Senang bertemu denganmu Nice to meet you Note You can change the word Saya which means I in English into Aku to sound more casual Usia umur What does siapa namamu mean in Indonesian English Translation what is your name More meanings for siapa namamu whats your name siapa namamu Find more words Check Siapa namamu translations into English Look through examples of Siapa namamu translation in sentences listen to pronunciation and learn grammar Aku tanya siapa namaku I asked whats my name QED Dengan Bernice siapa nama wanita itu With Bernice whatshername OpenSubtitles2018v3 Kau bilang Siapa namamu tadi What How to Say What is Your Name in Indonesian Formal and Informal Ways Sebetulnya ما lebih tepat diartikan apa bukan siapa Pengartian siapa nampaknya terpengaruh oleh bahasa indonesia yang bila menyangkut pertanyaan tentang nama maka kata tanya yang dipakai adalah siapa Dalam hal ini bahasa arab menjadi mirip dengan bahasa Inggris yang memakai kata apa What is your name bukan Who is your name Whats is your name Siapakah nama Anda My name is Wsexol Nama saya adalah Wesexolyoure welcome wsexol whats your name siapa nama kamu my name is nama sayawhats your name formal siapa nama Anda informal arti kode 599 nama kamu siapa siapa namamu namanya siapa siapa namanya my name is formal nama saya informal namakuWhats your name Siapa namamu My name is Namaku Siapa nama Anda Halo namaku Oscar Im an enthusiast of Indonesian language and culture writing comprehensive guides on formal and informal Indonesian phrases When not writing I spend my time exploring the beautiful Bali beaches savoring local delicacies like Nasi Goreng and sucking on pineapples and watermelons Translation of Siapa namamu into English Glosbe Dictionary What does siapa namamu mean in Indonesian WordHippo What is the difference between siapa namamu and HiNative Synonym for siapa namamu Apa apakah referring to things for example whatApa are you hiding from me Siapa Referring to someone or a group of people human not just to ask someones name for example What do you think you are or loe pikir loe tuh siapa Apa apakah both are question words but Apakah more polite than Apa and apa can be replaced by Apakah while Apakah Perhaps this is regional At least in East Java many people think in Javanese even though they are speaking in Indonesian While its not grammatically wrong asking someone namamu siapa directly translates to casual Javanese ngoko jenengmu sapa which is usually only acceptable around friendsfamily which would be rare if you dont know the name already school or with someone Kita semua pun dari sejak sekolah dulu acapkali diajarkan menerjemahkan kalimat di atas dengan Siapa namamu Sebenarnya kalau kita mau sedikit koreksi penerjemahan di atas keliru Terjemahan yg paling tepat menurut kami adalah Apa namamu Di antara alasannya adalah sebagai berikut 1 Kalimat tanya tersebut ditujukan untuk menanyakan Lebih tepat mana Siapa namamu atau Apa namamu How would I introduce myself simply in Indonesian Like HiNative Can you say Apa namamu instead of Siapa namamu Reddit How do you say Whats your name and rude my name is HiNative

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