naoxintong - Efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule for acute ischemic stroke

Brand: naoxintong

naoxintong - Efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule vitamin otak for acute ischemic stroke The Effect of Naoxintong Capsule in the Treatment of Patients with Efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule for acute ischemic PubMed Naoxintong NXT capsule is a classical traditional Chinese medication used to treat CSA however few evidence to support the wide utility of NXT capsule for the treatment of CSA We design this study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NXT capsule versus placebo in patients with CSA This is a multicenter randomized doubleblind placebo Naoxintong Capsule for Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke A Pengertian Naoxintong Naoxintong adalah obat tradisional dengan kandungan alami obat herbal yang mempunyai efek anti trombotik dapat menghambat agregasi trombosit sehingga menyebabkan terhambatnya pembentukan trombus pada pembuluh darah dan trombolitik penggunaan obatobatan untuk menghancurkan atau melarutkan gumpalan darah yang merupakan penyebab utama serangan jantung dan stroke Objective To examine whether the combination of Naoxintong Capsule with standard care could further reduce the recurrence of ischemic stroke without increasing the risk of severe bleeding Methods A total of 23 Chinese medical centers participated in this trial Adult patients with a history of ischemic stroke were randomly assigned in a 11 ratio using a block design to receive either Objective To examine whether the combination of Naoxintong Capsule with standard care could further reduce the recurrence of ischemic stroke without increasing the risk of severe bleeding Methods A total of 23 Chinese medical centers participated in this trial Adult patients with a history of ischemic stroke were randomly assigned in a 11 ratio using a block design to receive either Naoxintong capsule is a traditional Chinese patent medicine that consists of 16 traditional Chinese medicines Mounting RCTs have shown the efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule in the treatment of AIS however these findings are yet to conclusively confirmed Systematic review and metaanalysis provide pregabalin an available approach to assess the Efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule for treating chronic stable Frontiers Naoxintong capsule for treating cardiovascular and Efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule for acute Medicine The Effect of Naoxintong Capsule in the Treatment of Patients with Naoxintong Manfaat Dosis dan Efek Samping KlikDokter Naoxintong capsule is an oral Chinese patent preparation used extensively to treat AIS in China However the systematic evaluation on the clinical efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule is still absent Therefore we attempt to perform a systematic review and metaanalysis based on the existing evidence in order to provide solid support Naoxintong capsule is a traditional Chinese patent medicine that consists of 16 traditional Chinese medicines Mounting RCTs have shown the efficacy and safety of Naoxintong capsule in the treatment of AIS however these findings are yet to conclusively confirmed Systematic review and metaanalysis provide an available approach to assess the Naoxintong capsule NXT has been widely used to treat patients with cerebral infarction and carotid atherosclerosis However it is uncertain whether there is robust evidence on the effects of NXT for cerebral infarction and carotid atherosclerosis A systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized trials were performed to assess the Naoxintong Capsule NXT a renowned traditional Chinese medicine TCM formulation has been broadly applied in China for more than 30 years Over decades accumulating evidences have proven satisfactory efficacy and safety of NXT in treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases CCVD Studies have been conducted unceasingly while Naoxintong Capsule for Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke A Naoxintong capsule NXT has been widely used to treat patients with cerebral infarction and carotid atherosclerosis However it is uncertain whether there is robust evidence on the effects of NXT for cerebral infarction and carotid atherosclerosis A systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized trials were pip smk performed to assess the

