neisseria - Meningococcal Disease Neisseria meningitidis Infection

Brand: neisseria

neisseria - Neisseria are gramnegative cocci that can bikershop cause gonorrhoea meningitis and septicaemia Learn about the characteristics virulence factors and carriage rates of N gonorrhoeae N meningitidis and other Neisseria species Neisseria Wikipedia Meningococcal Disease Neisseria meningitidis Infection Beyond the usual suspects Reviewing infections caused by typically Neisseria meningitidis often referred to as the meningococcus is a Gramnegative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease such as meningococcemia a lifethreatening sepsisThe bacterium is referred to as a coccus because it is round and more specifically a diplococcus because of its tendency to form pairs About 10 of adults are carriers of the Neisseria meningitidis was first discovered by Anton Weichselbaum in 1887 during his analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid CSF from a patient infected with meningitis1 N meningitidis is a humanspecific bacterium that causes a multitude of illnesses collectively termed as meningococcal disease Up to 10 of the general population carries the bacteria in their nose and throat without Neisseria meningitidis Wikipedia ADVERTISEMENTS In this article we will discuss about Neisseria 1 Meaning of Neisseria 2 Classification of Neisseria 3 Cultural Characteristics 4 Viability 5 Antigenic Structure 6 Pathogenicity and Clinical Features 7 Laboratory Diagnosis Specimens 8 Culture 9 Treatment 10 Prevention and Control 11 NonSpecific Urethritis Contents Meaning of Neisseria Classification of Neisseria is a genus of gramnegative oxidasepositive aerobic diplococci 12 containing two pathogenic species of significant clinical relevance worldwide Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an obligate pathogen commonly associated with urogenital and oropharyngeal infections 3 and Neisseria meningitidis can cause serious disease in the form of meningitis and septicaemia 4 often with severe Neisseria is a large genus of bacteria that includes kukerta two pathogens N meningitidis and N gonorrhoeae and several commensal species Learn about their pathogenesis classification biochemical identification history genomes and more Neisseria species have evolved strategies to evade the host immune system ensuring their persistence and transmission These strategies are sophisticated reflecting the dynamic interplay between the bacteria and their human hosts A key aspect of this immune evasion is the ability to alter surface antigens a process known as antigenic variation Editorial Pathogenic Neisseria Pathogenicity vaccines and Abstract Neisseria species are extremely welladapted to their mammalian hosts and they display unique phenotypes that account for their ability to thrive within nichespecific conditions The closely related species N gonorrhoeae and N meningitidis are the only two species of the genus recognized as strict human pathogens causing the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea and meningitis Neisseria an overview ScienceDirect Topics Neisseria Meaning Classification and Cultural Characteristics Human Atypical Yet Not Infrequent Infections with Neisseria Species Neisseria spp Pathogenicity Commensalism and Resistance Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a nonsporeforming gramnegative coccus that characteristically grows in pairs diplococci with adjacent sides flattened It does not have flagella but can move based on extension and retraction of its type IV pilus 2 This process is known as twitching and is the basis of the colony types seen in piliated The genus Neisseria includes commensal species that form part of the flora of human and animal mucosa but also includes two major pathogenic species Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidisN meningitidis inhabits the upper respiratory tract and can cause meningococcal disease a disease of rapid onset that involves sepsis and meningitisN gonorrhoeae lives in the genital rectal Neisseria hondana an overview ScienceDirect Topics

