nomaden - The English word nomad comes from shaanig the Middle French nomade from Latin nomas wandering shepherd from Ancient Greek νομᾰς nomás roaming wandering esp to find pasture which is derived from the Ancient Greek νομός nomós pasture 8 dubious discuss NOMAD definition 1 a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place Learn more Social networks were a crucially important part of nomadic life on the Eurasian steppe 16 Although Eurasian nomads usually considered themselves the descendants of a single ancestor they also welcomed outsiders to join their tribe 17 One could do this by becoming a sworn brother of a powerful tribal figure or by forsaking ones own lineage and becoming a noker Pastoral nomads camping in Tibet Nomads in Mongolia Starting fire by hand San people in Botswana Nomadic people or nomads are people who move from one place to another instead of living in one placeThe best known examples in Europe are the Roma Sinti and Irish TravellersMany other ethnic groups and communities are traditionally nomadic like the Berbers Kazakhs and Bedouin NOMAD English meaning Cambridge Dictionary Huntergatherers Groups like the San of the Kalahari Desert the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic native people of the Amazonian rainforest and various hill tribes of Southeast Asia are nomadic in that they move in search of particular animals to hunt or foodstuffs to gather These hunting cultures are now disappearing or changing under the influence of modern consumer society and the cash economy Learn about the diverse and fascinating nomadic tyok tribes from around the world that roam the planet with their animals and cultures Discover their challenges threats and opportunities in this article by Angela Orlando Nomad Simple English Wikipedia the free encyclopedia NOMADISM a way of life and human existence that is connected with permanent and more or less regular movements of people between different locations The migrational movements of nomads are connected with clearly defined routes and destinations where the nomads spend equally clearly defined periods of time with the ultimate goal of pursuing economic activities and ensuring their livelihood Nomad Wikipedia The Facts New Internationalist Nomaden Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas NOMADISM Encyclopaedia Iranica This is a list of nomadic people arranged by economic specialization and region Nomadic people are communities who move from one place to another rather than settling permanently in one location Many cultures have traditionally been nomadic but nomadic behavior is increasingly rare in industrialized countries Eurasian nomads Wikipedia List of nomadic peoples Wikipedia Nomaden sind Menschen die aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen eine nichtsesshafte Lebensweise führen Erfahren Sie mehr über die verschiedenen Nomadenvölker der Welt ihre Kultur ihre Herausforderungen und ihre Rezeption in sesshaften Gesellschaften Nomadic Tribes From Around the World That Still Exist Matador Network Penggembala nomaden yang sedang berkemah dekat Namtso Tibet tahun 2005 Nomaden atau pengembara adalah komunitas masyarakat yang memilih hidup berpindahpindah dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain di padang pasir atau daerah bermusim dingin daripada menetap di suatu tempat Masyarakat yang berpindahpindah tempat tetapi bukan di padang pasir atau daerah bermusim dingin disebut sebagai starlight kaum gipsi Nomaden Wikipedia