oceanetic - Oceanetics delivers unique solutions that serve schwanger the breadth of all maritime domainsfrom the surface of the ocean to the depths of the uncharted seafloor Waterside Security Barriers WSB Moorings Subsea Seabed Warfare SSW Renewable Ocean energy Engineering and Design Custom Fabrication Waterside Security Solutions Oceanetics Find company research competitor information contact details financial data for OCEANETICS INC of Welch WV Get the latest business insights from Dun Bradstreet Oceanetics delivers unique solutions that serve the breadth of all maritime domains from the surface of the ocean to the depths of the uncharted seafloor Oceanetics is at the forefront of providing solutions to meet the rapidly evolving waterborne threats both surface and subsurface We have worked with the US Navy to better understand the latest maritime threats and develop nonlethal vessel stopping solutions that neutralize surface subsurface manned unmanned and autonomous systems Oceanetics Surface Circulation Tracking SCT Buoy is a low cost expendable tracking device ideally suitable for untended launchandforget deployments It provides timestamped GPS position measurements via SPOT Trace satellite transmitter in near realtime for tracking the movement of surface currents All components with the exception Innovation at any depth Oceanetics 1695 Mills Road N Saanich bahan organik BC Canada V8L 5S9 1 2506560535 infooceaneticcom Oceanetic Measurement 2011 Ltd designs manufactures robust scientific monitoring equipment provides services for worldwide research into changing oceans ice caps fresh water systems oceaneticcom Oceaneticcom is now for sale Reasonable offers 12000 USD considered Contact paynteroceaneticcom Since 1984 Oceanetic has been legendary for its ability to undertake diverse projects provide accurate scientific instruments engineering consulting technical support and field services for oceanography environmental research Underwater forward deployed reconnaissance and subsea systems detection on the homefront protect our nations assets boarders and the warfighter Oceanetics LinkedIn Oceanetics has won a 100 million contract with a fiveyear base period for ocean infrastructure support services to the US Navys Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center PDF Oceanetic For sale Oceaneticcom About Us Oceanetics Subsea Seabed Warfare Oceanetics Oceanetic Surface Circulation Tracking SCT Buoy Oceanetics delivers unique solutions that serve the breadth of all maritime domainsfrom the surface of the ocean to the depths of the uncharted seafloor Waterside Security Barriers WSB Moorings Subsea Seabed Warfare SSW Renewable Ocean energy Engineering and Design Custom Fabrication OCEANETICS INC Company Profile Dun Bradstreet Oceanetics Wins 100M IDIQ Award to muchdi purwoprandjono Support Navy Ocean Infrastructure