onwj - PHE ONWJ begins construction of OOA benetint Platform for Oil Gas PT PHE ONWJ Imple Clean Energy Ministerial MUJ ONWJ Energi untuk kemakmuran daerah Sep 27 2024 The North West Java Sea PSC also known as Offshore North West Java or ONWJ is a mature complex of oil and gas fields located offshore the coast of Java The contract area is divided into four main field groups North West Corner Ardjuna Bima and Arimbi Meindo Elang Indah PHEs Contribution to Supporting National Energy Sovereignty Tumpahan minyak dan gas proyek Pertamina di Laut Jawa BBC SKK Migas signals positive outlook for ONWJ cost recovery PHE ONWJ is the only subsidiary of PT Pertamina Persero that implements Energy Management System EnMS ISO 50001 Being the first ISO 50001 certified company PHE ONWJ becomes a benchmark company on EnMS implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry Jun 30 2023 General Information PHE ONWJ is a Cooperation Contract Contractor KKKS which is incorporated in Zone 5 Java Regional Subholding Upstream Pertamina together with Zone 6 PHE OSES and Zone 7 PT Pertamina EP The PHE ONWJ work area is located in the CityRegency of the Thousand Islands Karawang Indramayu Cirebon Subang Apr 2 2024 The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Task Force SKK Migas has signaled a positive outlook regarding the planned transition of the Offshore North West Java ONWJ Block contract scheme This transition from a gross split to cost recovery model is poised to unlock new opportunities for investment development and growth in Indonesias oil and gas sector PHE ONWJ Case Study Indonesia PT PHE ONWJ By Implementing EnMS 5 Energy Saving has been achieved per year Mike Mike Flow station one of PHE ONWJs offshore facilities Business Benefits Achieved PHE ONWJ is the only subsidiary of PT Pertamina Persero that implements Energy Management System EnMS ISO 50001 Jun 15 2021 PT Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ HEAD OFFICE 40 Jakarta Street Kebonwaru Batununggal Bandung West Java 40272 022 2053 8178 REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Bakrie Tower Lantai 7 Rasuna Epicentrum H R Rasuna Said Street Kav C22 Kuningan South Jakarta 12940 humasmigashulujabaronwjcoid sekretariatmigashulujabaronwjcoid ONWJ Block is a cooperation contract area in West Java operated by Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ and Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ It produces oil and gas for domestic needs and has 11 stations 700 wells 3 ORFs and 1 OPF Wilayah Kerja ONWJ adalah area operasional Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ di Laut Jawa yang memproduksi minyak dan gas bumi Wilayah kerja ini memiliki 11 stasiun 700 sumur 3 fasilitas darat dan 1 fasilitas terapung Sep 30 2019 It was in the middle of July 2019 when a devastating oil spill caused by the leakage of one of the three oil wells within the Offshore North West Java ONWJ Block happened near Karawang West Java The oil well known as YYA1 is located approximately 2 km to the north of Javas northern coast Home Kehati PHE ONWJ merupakan salah satu penghasil minyak dan gas bumi terbesar di Indonesia Hingga Agustus 2018 produksi minyak dan gas bumi PHE ONWJ sekitar 30 ribu BPH kode pos kedunggalar ngawi dan 1064 MMSCFD Telah mulai berproduksi sejak 1971 PHE ONWJ memainkan peran penting dalam memutar roda perekonomian nasional PHE ONWJ adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas bumi Migas lepas pantai di Blok ONWJ PHE ONWJ juga berkomitmen untuk melindungi keanekaragaman hayati Kehati di wilayah kerjanya melalui upaya restorasi dan konservasi mangrove terumbu karang dan satwaliar PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java PT PHE Jul 26 2019 Kebocoran gas dan minyak pada proyek Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java PHE ONWJ yang telah terjadi sejak dua pekan lalu mencemari lautan Karawang hingga Bekasi Jawa Barat dan Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd LinkedIn Apr 16 2024 The ONWJ Block stretches from the Thousand Islands regency of Jakarta province to North Cirebon in West Java The working area of ONWJ covers an area of 827929 square kilometers This oil and gas block is operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java PHE ONWJ PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Kehati ONWJ Block MUJ ONWJ Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ Nov 18 2024 In the first semester of 2024 PHE ONWJ reported to have produced 545 thousand barrels of oil per day BOPD and 3502 million standard cubic feet of gas per day MMSCFD This achievement is the combined performance of three upstream oil and gas subsidiaries under the Java Region PHE ONWJ PHE OSES and Pertamina EP West Java The ONWJ production sharing contracts in the Java Sea cover 8300 square kilometers from north of Cirebon in the east to Pulau Seribu in the west In over 30 years of operations ONWJ has PHE ONWJ Memulai Pengembangan Lapangan Migas Baru Wilayah Kerja ONWJ MUJ ONWJ Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ Karawang Oil Spill ArcGIS StoryMaps Pertamina refines development scenarios for GQX oil prospect Aug 29 2024 PT Migas Hulu Jabar ONWJ KANTOR PUSAT Jl Jakarta Nomor 40 Kelurahan Kebonawaru Kecamatan Batununggal Kota Bandung Jawa Barat 40272 022 2053 8178 KANTOR PERWAKILAN Bakrie Tower Lantai 7 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl H R Rasuna Said Kav C22 Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12940 humasmigashulujabaronwjcoid sekretariatmigashulujabaronwjcoid MUJ ONWJ Energi untuk kemakmuran daerah In his remarks the Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said that 2020 was very challenging with low world oil prices and the Covid19 outbreak having a huge impact on the upstream oil and gas industry SKK Migas appreciates PHE ONWJ who continues to coordinate to complete this project amid restrictions on mobility as a result of Covid19 Keanekaragaman hayati Kehati atau Biodiversity adalah seluruh bentuk kehidupan di bumi baik tumbuhan hewan mikroorganisme maupun ekosistemnya Sesuai Kebijakan Sumber Daya Alam PHE ONWJ berkomitmen untuk melakukan perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati yang diwujudkan melalui upaya restorasi dan konservasi mangrove terumbu karang serta satwa liar Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java Holds Subsea North West Java Sea ONWJ Wood Mac In the Java Region to maintain energy security Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java PHE ONWJ is committed to optimizing the potential of domestic oil and gas reserves One of the strategies to increase production is the reactivation kode alam durian togel of the LES platform