orificium - Orificium definition of orificium by The enuh nugraha Free Dictionary Cervical canal Wikipedia Definition of orificium in the Medical Dictionary by The Free Dictionary Definition of orificium in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of orificium What does orificium mean Information and translations of orificium in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web Define orificium orificium synonyms orificium pronunciation orificium translation English dictionary definition of orificium n An opening especially to a cavity or passage of the body a mouth or vent orificial adj American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language Orifice definition of orifice by Medical dictionary Synonym Orificium vaginae Definition The vaginal orifice is the opening to the vaginal canal Learn more about the cervix vagina and vulva in the following study unit Cervix vagina and vulva Explore study unit Sources All content published on Kenhub is reviewed by medical and anatomy experts The information we provide is grounded on Orificium definition of orificium by Medical dictionary Urinary meatus Wikipedia The cervical canal communicates with the uterine cavity via the internal orifice of the uterus or internal os and with the vagina via the external orifice of the uterus ostium of uterus or external osThe internal orifice of the uterus is an interior narrowing of the uterine cavity It corresponds to a slight constriction known as the isthmus that can be seen on the surface of the uterus orificium Wiktionary the free dictionary the narrowest kode pos cikampek portion of the canal in the floor of the vestibule posterior to the urethral orifice Orificium vaginae definition of orificium Medical Dictionary The urinary meatus a m iː ˈ eɪ t ə s meeAYtəs pl meati or meatuses also known as the external urethral orifice is the opening of the penis or vulva where urine exits the urethra during urinationIt is also where semen exits during male ejaculation and other fluids during female ejaculationThe meatus has varying degrees of sensitivity to touch What does orificium mean Definitionsnet vaginal orifice The narrowest portion of the canal in the floor of the vestibule posterior to the urethral orifice Synonym ostium vaginae orificium vaginae vaginal opening orificium in Charlton T Lewis and Charles Short 1879 A Latin Dictionary Oxford Clarendon Press orificium in Charles du Fresne du Canges Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis augmented edition with additions by D P Carpenterius Adelungius and others edited by Léopold Favre 18831887 orificium in Gaffiot Félix 1934 Dictionnaire illustré latinfrançais Hachette Vaginal orifice Definition and Examples Biology Online Vaginal orifice Anatomy and relations Kenhub orifice orĭfis 1 the entrance or outlet of any body cavity 2 any opening or meatus adj adj orificial aortic orifice the opening of the left ventricle into the aorta called also aortic opening external urethral orifice urinary meatus internal urethral orifice the opening from the urinary bladder into the urethra at reko one corner of the
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