pagak - Pagak entry point Profile 08 August UNHCR

Brand: pagak

pagak - South Sudan army captures main rebel rajabonus base rebels say Ethiopia 1 in 4 Refugee Children in Pagak Are Dangerously Malnourished South Sudans rebel forces have reclaimed their stronghold of Pagak a week after being pushed out of the town by government forces Col South Sudan rebels recapture Pagak their headquarters AP News Heavy fighting erupts in South Sudan near border with Ethiopia Pagak entry point Profile 08 August UNHCR Ethiopian border entry points mainly Pagak and Akobo as well as Burbiey Mataar and Raad Over 80000 persons have been relocated from Pagak to various camps and transit locations since January 2014 Areas of Origin Pagak is a town in South Sudan in Upper Nile state a few kilometers from Jikawo across the Ethiopian border 1 History Until 2017 Pagak served as headquarters for SPLAIO rebels On 6 August 2017 Pagak was captured by South Sudan government forces during the offensive 2 In late 2018 Pagak residents accused government troops of The Pagak offensive was a major military operation by the South Sudanese government during the South Sudanese Civil War with the aim of capturing the strategic town of Pagak and the wider Maiwut County from Riek Machars SPLMIO rebels Since the civil wars beginning Pagak had served as headquarters and stronghold for the rebels and its loss Pagak Entry Point August 2015 dataunhcrorg Pagak is a major town on a road connecting South Sudan to sipaga Ethiopia Rebel control of the town allows them easy crossborder movement and smuggling of weapons and other supplies from Ethiopia The Pagak is a major entry point and has received almost half 96712 of all the new arrival refugees into Ethiopia Most of these refugees were relocated to Kule Tierkidi and leitchour camps and of recent more than 1400 were relocated to Pugnido camp In April Pagak experienced a South Sudan rebels say have retaken town near border with Ethiopia South Sudan rebels recapture Pagak their headquarters Pagak deep in the heartland of South Sudans Nuer people one of its main ethnic groups has been at the centre of rebel operations since 2014 A South Sudan opposition official says rebel forces have reclaimed their stronghold of Pagak a week after being pushed out of the town by government forces Col Lam Paul Gabriel deputy Pagak offensive Wikipedia Pagak Wikipedia Action Against Hunger conducted a mass screening of 1955 refugee children younger than five years old in Pagak Reception Center from July 13 to 17 2020 and data released today shows that 236 percent were acutely malnourished including five percent diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition the deadliest form of hunger South Sudans Rebels Recapture Pagak Their Headquarters Heavy fighting erupted on Friday in the South Sudanese town of Pagak near the border with Ethiopia when rebels launched an offensive against government prohepar forces the rebels said

