pedir - PEDIR Translation in English babla

Brand: pedir

pedir - pedir transitive verb 1 a dineroayuda mercat to ask for pidieron un préstamo al banco they asked the bank for a loan pidió permiso para salir she asked permission to leave me pidió consejo he asked my advice he asked me for advice pide limosna a la puerta de la iglesia he begs for money at the church door préstamelo te lo pido por favor lend it to me please si no me lo pides por favor no pedir Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online pedir English translation Linguee pedir algo prestado to ask for the moon pedir demasiado make a wish pedir un deseo to try to get blood from a stone pedir peras al olmo to ask sos advice asked asked pedir asesoramiento a alguien to ask for the moon pedir peras al olmo fig to go like peaches and cream salir a pedir de boca Many translated example sentences containing pedir EnglishSpanish dictionary and search engine for English translations PEDIR Spanish Verb conjugation meaning and examples Learn the meaning pronunciation and usage of the Spanish verb pedir which can mean to ask to beg to order to request etc See translations synonyms and examples from Europarl Parallel Corpus Los clientes pueden pedir en todo momento un libro de reclamaciones Customers may request a complaints book at any time 6 a to need Esta posición pide un mínimo de cinco años de experiencia This position needs a minimum of five years of work experience b to cry out for How to Say Pedir in Spanish Formal Informal angka keluar jepang and Regional Pedir perdón to say sorry to ask for forgiveness Pedir un favor to ask a favour Pedir la hora to ask what time it is Pedir una hora to make an appointment Pedir la mano to ask for someones hand in marriage Try our interactive game to practice the Verb Pedir in different tenses Pedir Game Pedir is a versatile Spanish verb that primarily means to ask for or to request However it can also refer to to order when talking about placing an order for food or drinks This fundamental verb is used in various contexts from everyday conversations to formal situations 2 Formal Ways to Say Pedir pedir Translation in LEOs English Spanish Dictionary leoorg pedir pedir verbo 1 solicitar transitivo to ask for pedirle algo a alguien to ask somebody for something Me ha pedido ayuda Hes asked me for help pedirle a alguien que haga algo to ask somebody to do something pedir permiso to ask permission pedirle un favor a alguien to ask somebody a favor pedir la cuenta to ask for the check AmE to ask for the bill BrE ver nota en ask 2 Pedir Conjugation Conjugate Pedir in Spanish English Translation of PEDIR The official Collins SpanishEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases Pedir Spanish to English Translation SpanishDictionarycom PEDIR translation Spanish to English Cambridge Dictionary PEDIR Translation in English babla English translation of pedir Collins Online Dictionary Conjugate Pedir in every Spanish verb tense including preterite imperfect pestinor future conditional and subjunctive

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