pening - pening Wiktionary the free dictionary

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pening - the act of creating written works faktor pendorong angka kelahiran DISCLAIMER These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word penningViews expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabularycom or its editors Send us feedback Terasa pening aku selepas terhidu asap rokok I felt dizzy after I accidentally inhaled some cigarette smoke confused Synonyms bingung keliru Pening aku baca karangan kau Reading your essay Im confused Affixations edit kepeningan peningkan Compounds edit pening kepala pening pikat peningpening lalat Penning Definition Meaning MerriamWebster pening WordReference English dictionary questions discussion and forums All Free The meaning of PEN is to shut in or as if in a pen How to use pen in a sentence Dizziness Wikipedia pening WordReferencecom Dictionary of English Definition of pening in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of pening What does pening mean Information and translations of pening in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web Login The STANDS4 Network Abbreviationscom Anagramsnet Biographiesnet Calculatorsnet Convertnet Definitionsnet PENING Translation in English babla PENING English translation Cambridge Dictionary PENING translate groggy Learn more in the Cambridge IndonesianEnglish kode vans ori vietnam Dictionary Penning can mean different things such as writing with a pen keeping animals in a pen or being a female swan Find out the meanings synonyms and examples of penning in this online dictionary pening Wiktionary the free dictionary What does the word pening mean Find and lookup the definition synonyms and antonyms of the word pening in our free online dictionary Dizziness is an imprecise term that can refer to a sense of disorientation in space vertigo or lightheadedness 1 It can also refer to disequilibrium 2 or a nonspecific feeling such as giddiness or foolishness 3Dizziness is a common medical complaint affecting 2030 of persons 4 Dizziness is broken down into four main subtypes vertigo 2550 disequilibrium less than Penning Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom Penning definition of penning by The Free Dictionary pening also terhuyunghuyung mabuk puyeng goyah goyang volumeup groggy adj ID pening anjing noun volumeup pening anjing also kartu pengenal pengenalan volumeup identification noun Monolingual examples Indonesian How to use groggy in a sentence morevert openin Pening Definition Dictionary Words That Start With PENING What menghargai does pening mean Definitionsnet

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