picar - picar in English SpanishEnglish Dictionary Glosbe c4h8o2 picar Diccionario InglésEspañol WordReferencecom Picar Spanish to English Translation SpanishDictionarycom picar translation in English SpanishEnglish dictionary Reverso English Translation of PICAR The official Collins SpanishEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases TRANSLATOR Check picar translations into English Look through examples of picar translation in sentences listen to pronunciation and learn grammar Translations in context of picar in SpanishEnglish from Reverso Context picar la cebolla picar finamente pelar y picar puede picar pueden picar Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Vocabulary Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate English translation of picar Collins Online Dictionary English words for picar include chop sting itch nibble bite mince pick prick pink and punch Find more Spanish words at wordhippocom El dolor se pasa en unos minutos pero el verdugón se llena de pus comienza a picar en cosa de horas y puede tardar varias semanas en sanar healthychildcarencorg healthychildcarencorg Usually the pain stops in a few minutes but the welt becomes pussfilled and itchy in a few hours and may take several weeks to heal Las serpientes suelen picar cuando están asustadas Snakes usually bite when they are scared b to peck A mi abuelo le gusta tirar pan a las gaviotas y verlas picar My grandfather likes to throw bread at the seagulls and watch them pecking 15 chord syair kehidupan a to nibble picar vi pez morder el anzuelo fishing bite vi take the bait v expr Los peces pican mucho en este lago The fish bite a lot in this lake picar vi causar urticaria sting vi Las ortigas pican lleva pantalones largos Nettles sting so wear long pants picar vtr comer informalmente informal buy small meal get a bite grab picar Translation into English examples Spanish Reverso Context Picar has many meanings in Spanish such as to peck to bite to sting to grind to chip to nibble to tease to itch to be deceived etc See examples synonyms and related words for picar in both languages PICAR Translation in English babla PICAR translation Spanish to English Cambridge Dictionary picar English translation Linguee What does picar mean in Spanish WordHippo Para picar algo rápido agarré un paquete de galletas de fresa For a quick snack I grabbed a packet of strawberry wafers Cogió un snack envasado del estante para picar algo rápido She grabbed a processed food snack from the shelf for a quick bite Se puso una curita en el dedo cortado después de picar verduras Picar has many meanings and uses in Spanish such as to bite to sting to nibble to get money to spur on to rot and more See the full list of translations examples and idioms wofbet.com for picar in English
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