planotest - Comparison of five immunological tests for bugip pregnancy The reliability of five commercially produced immunological pregnancy diagnosis methods has been investigated The tests used were Pregnosticon a tube test and four slide tests Hyland Pregslide Gravindex and Planotest In the series described Planotest gave 05 false positives Gravindex had 21 Pregnosticon 26 and Pregslide 47 Hyland A sensitivity 4500 iul gave 36 Plano Test Definisi Tujuan Prosedur dll Hello Sehat Berdasarkan penjelasan dari dr Tabita P S dari Alodokter plano test adalah metode pemeriksaan untuk mengonfirmasi kehamilan dengan cara mendeteksi hormon hCG Pada dasarnya plano test adalah tes kehamilan yang umum dilakukan Human chorionic gonadotropin hCG adalah hormon yang diproduksi oleh plasenta selama kehamilan HAsil plano test positif tetapi hasil test pack negatif Alodokter Plano test adalah pemeriksaan u mengkonfirmasi kehamilan dg cara mendeteksi hormon hCG dapat menggunakan sample darahurin Plano test sebaiknya dilakukan 12 minggu sejak telat menstruasi u mendapatkan hasil tes yang akurat Plano test dg sample darah dapat terdeteksi paling cepat 11 hari setelah pembuahan Comparative study of immunological tests for pregnancy diagnosis Comparative study of immunological tests for pregnancy diagnosis The diagnosis of pregnancy in general practice PMC Pregnosticon Planotest Download this Picture Pregnancy test produced by the Organon company for use in doctors surgeries Illustrated instructions in English and Italian are included For ten applications Test procedure place 1 drop of antiserum within the yellow circle on the slide and add 1 drop of urine with the spare dropper provided Museum of Contraception and Abortion MUVS Plano test adalah salah satu tes kehamilan yang bekerja dengan cara mendeteksi hormon human chorionic gonadotropin hCG Hormon ini biasanya muncul setelah 10 hari pembuahan Jumlah hCG akan terus mengalami peningkatan setiap minggunya Namun jika tes dilakukan sebelum pembuahan memasuki usia 10 piggy slot hari hasilnya kemungkinan besar akan negatif Politzer WM Weston WC A comparative study of two pregnancy tests Pregnosticon Planotest and Prepuerin S Afr Med J 1967 Aug 19 41 31775778 Google Scholar Articles from The Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners are provided here courtesy of Royal College of General Practitioners Other Formats Page Browse PDF 977K Abstract PIP In order to evaluate and compare 5 different immunological pregnancy tests Gravindex Prepurex Planotest DAP and Pregnosticon 500 urine specimens obtained from general practice and hospital clinics were analyzed Gravindex Prepurex and Planotest are indirect latex agglutination tests DAP is a direct latex agglutination test and Pregnosticon is a hemagglutination Only NeoPlanotest gave a falsepositive result for lutropin The three immunoenzymometric assays were not affected by protein or blood but of these only Tandem Icon did not exhibit prozoning The five other kits gave falsepositive or falsenegative results for protein and blood Tandem Icon performed best being quick and easy to use and Evaluation and comparison of commercially available pregnancy tests Plano Test Pengertian Fungsi Jenisnya untuk Tes Kehamilan Experience with Pregnosticonplanotest a 2minute immunologic Planotest and Pregnosticon were found to be less influenced by protein and blood in the urine than the other pregnancy tests investigated Full text Get a printable copy PDF file of the complete article 756K or click on a page image below to browse page by page Abstract PIP PregnosticonPlanotest PPT produced by NV Organon is an immunological latexsuspension pregnancy test that can be read in 2 minutes or up to 60 minutes and requires no special equipment such as centrifuges Parallel pregnancy tests using PPT and the biological GalliMainin Reaction GMR were carried out on 381 women for a fungsi komunikasi total of 407 tests