platypus - Aug 28 2023 A beloved platypus gunjek that is actually an agent that fights Dr Doofenshmirtz and at the end of the battle Dr Doofenshmirtz says curse you Perry the platypus What is the plot of Phineas and Ferb Is a platypus a producer consumer or decomposer Answers Dec 8 2024 It is not legal to own a platypus anywhere Specially licensed animal sanctuaries are permitted to keep and breed platypuses but the creatures require a very specialised balanced environment Is a platypus an ectotherm or endotherm Answers Is platypus a viviparous or oviparous Answers Is platypus an omnivore Answers Oct 8 2023 The platypus is a warm blooded egg laying semi aquatic mammal which means they can generate their own body heat Being a mammal specifically a monotreme a platypus is warm blooded May 26 2024 A platypus is a secondary consumer Secondary consumers are animals that eat primary consumers and although platypuses do not eat fish they do eat other primary consumers such as crustaceans How is a platypus different from a penguin Answers Is it legal to own a platypus in the US Answers Is it the male or female platypus that has poison claws Oct 8 benteng speelwijk 2023 The platypus IS oviparous Along with the echidna it is an egglaying mammal Any egglaying animal is oviparous rather than viviparous which means giving birth to young outside of the body Oct 8 2023 No the platypus is completely carnivorous It does not eat plant matter at all but feeds on annelid worms tiny shrimp and annelid worms that live at the bottom of freshwater creeks and rivers Oct 8 2023 The common and correct name is platypusThis creature is not actually called a duckbilled platypus at all that is a misnomer The scientific name of the platypus is Ornithorhyncus Anatinus What is Perry the platypus from Phineas and Ferb saying when Oct 9 2023 Differences between the platypus and the beaver areA beaver is a rodent which bears live young a platypus is a monotreme egglaying mammalA beaver has large front teeth platypuses have a bill What is the binomial name for the platypus Answers Nov 15 2022 The male platypus has a venomous spur not poisonous claw on each of its hind legs Young females also have the spur but it is not venomous and they lose it by about the melompati age of ten months
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