pongkor - Radiometric Signatures of Gold Mineralization Zone in Pongkor

Brand: pongkor

pongkor - Gunung Pongkor Mine Bogor Regency West situs hecker Java Province Indonesia Dec 17 2021 Laporan tentang situasi dan masalah penambangan emas ilegal di Gunung Pongkor Jawa Barat yang dikelola oleh PT Antam Masyarakat setempat harus menolak jika ada izin diberikan kepada pihak lain selain Antam untuk melakukan penambangan di sana Mar 1 1994 Except for the Pongkor ore deposit whose age is Miocene 85 Ma KAr dating of adularia gave a PliocenePleistocene 2115 Ma age for both styles of epithermal gold deposits Most are hosted by volcanic and intrusive rocks related to extensive Pliocene magmatism that we dated in the centre of the Bayah Dome as forming between 57 and 20 Ma PT ANTAM Tbk Gold Precious Metal Refining Gunung Pongkor Mine Bogor Regency West Java Province Indonesia Supergeneenriched epithermal lowsulphidation AuAgMn deposit Epithermal veinsystem which includes the Pasir Jawa Gudang Handak Ciguha Pamoyanan Kubang Cicau and Ciurug veins Jan 1 2002 The Pongkor Gold Mine employs 678 staff The mine is owned by the Indonesian state company PT Antam Tbk and is located 100 kilometres south west of Jakarta in Java Indonesia Mine and infrastructure development started in 1992 following intensive geological exploration over 15 years First gold production was in June 1994 The mine comprises three main orebodies Ciguha which is nearly 40Ar39Ar geochronology of the Pongkor low sulfidation The Pongkor goldsilver epithermal deposit with reserves of at least 98 tonnes of gold and 1026 tonnes of silver average grades 164 gt Au and 1712 gt Ag is one of the most recent and largest gold and silver discoveries in Indonesia proven within a short period 19881991 40Ar39Ar dating on adularia samples give an age of 205 005 Ma The deposit is of the lowsulfidation Dec 18 2018 Pongkor Geopark which is located in the goldmining area of its namesake is now a star tourism attraction in Bogor regency Covering an area of 135 hectares its location covers 15 subdistricts Jun 1 2020 The mineralized veins of Pongkor is considered to be controlled bycontained within a NNESSW structural corridor that cut the caldera and extending through the Bayah dome to the southwest This structural corridor is interpreted to control the formation of several vein systems in the historic Cikotok mining district Milesi et al 1999 Apr 1 2020 The presence of adularia in Pongkor goldbearing quartz veins is representative of timing of gold mineralisation as the adularia was synchronously originated with gold bearing quartz vein The Ciguha gold mineralisation may have been initiated at 199 004 Ma and the period of adularia growth may have extended from ca 207 to 177 million years Pongkor west Java Indonesia a Pliocene supergeneenriched The Pongkor goldsilver epithermal deposit with reserves of at least 98tonnes of gold and 1026tonnes of silver average grades 164gt Au and 1712gt Ag is one of the most recent and largest gold and silver discoveries in Indonesia proven within a short period 19881991 40Ar39Ar dating on adularia samples give an age of 205005Ma 40Ar39Ar geochronology of the Pongkor low sulfidation POLYMETALLIC SULFIDES AND SULFOSALTS OF THE PONGKOR Gunung Pongkor gold mine Wood Mac Apr 1 2020 The Pongkor deposit is known as the kode promo chatime largest low sulfidation epithermal gold deposits in Indonesia eg Basuki et al 1994 Carlile and Mitchell 1994 The Gunung Pongkor goldsilver deposit West Java Indonesia Feb 1 2003 The Pongkor goldsilver deposit of Pliocene age 205 005 Ma is the largest lowsulfidation epithermal preciousmetal deposit in Indonesia It consists of nine major subparallel quartz adularia carbonate veins with a very low sulfide content Pongkor Gold Mine Indonesia ù Changing From Traditional PDF Polymetallic sulfides and sulfosalts of the Pongkor The main source of income for the local people is derived from the growing of rice The Gunung Pongkor project is currently in the development stage and is expected to commence production at a rate of 2 tonnes of gold per year in 1994 it will be exploited by underground mining methods thus limiting the negative impact on the environment Pongkor mine first underground museum in Indonesia Lowsulfidation epithermal gold deposits in Java Indonesia Epithermal gold deposits in West Java Indonesia geology Geologic setting of Pongkor Deposit history Pongkor was discovered in 1988 as a result of systematic exploration carried out in southwestern Java by the State Mining Company PT Aneka Tambang ANTAM It was found through a programme of streamsediment geochemistry which revealed several anomalous Au values between 100 and 200 ppb and a peak Nasib Gunung Pongkor di Ujung Tanduk Tambang Emas yang PDF Pongkor west Java Indonesia a Pliocene supergene Dec 21 2023 Radiometric mapping could play a prominent role in locating the host rock or alteration that leads to gold mineralization Nevertheless in lowsulfidation epithermal gold deposits the radiometric signatures have to be priorly characterized due to their geometry It is comprised of a small ore vein system within the large alteration zones The Pongkor gold mine is a lowsulfidation epithermal The Gunung Pongkor goldsilver deposit West Java Indonesia Jan 1 1999 The Pongkor goldsilver epithermal deposit with reserves of at least 98 tonnes of gold and 1026 tonnes of silver average grades 164 gt Au and 1712 gt Ag is one of the most recent and largest PDF Pongkor west Java Indonesia A Pliocene supergene Pongkor is one of ANTAMs underground gold mines that produces gold and silver ore Learn about the mining method ore processing and refinery of Pongkor and other ANTAMs gold and silver sources Apr 10 2024 Gunung Pongkor is a small underground mine in West Java Indonesia exploiting a high grade goldsilver epithermal veinstyle deposit using cut and fill mining methods It has a conventional carboninleach CIL processing plant Gold production is around 50 thousand ounces per year Pongkor West Java Indonesia a Pliocene supergene Mar 1 1994 The Gunung Pongkor goldsilver deposit in West Java is one of the most recent and largest gold discoveries in Indonesia containing more than 100 tonnes of gold and 1000 tonnes of silver It consists of several steeply dipping quartzveins that formed within the epithermal environment associated with Neogene calcalkaline volcanism Radiometric Signatures of Gold Mineralization Zone in Pongkor Feb 1 2003 The Pongkor goldsilver deposit of Pliocene age 205 005 Ma is the largest lowsulfidation epithermal preciousmetal deposit in Indonesia It consists of pasarpoker nine major subparallel quartz

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