popres - Dataset Name POPRESPCScores Dataset Accession pht000660v2p2 xxxvo Dataset Description This data table contains the Principal Component scores PC1 PC7 for all samples passing the 2nd round of QCs and were genotyped using Affymetrix 500K Also it includes PC scores for 207 HapMap samples identified by Coriell ID Dataset type Simple The Population Reference Sample POPRES A Resource for POPRES version 3 POPRES includes unrelated subjects from two populationbased studies CoLaus Preisig et al 2009 PMID 19292899 and LOLIPOP Kooner et al 2008 PMID 18193046 CoLaus Study subjects included are participants in the PsyCoLaus followon study of psychiatric traits andor extremes of several selected cardiovascular disease POPRES Population Reference Sample National Center for POPRES Population Reference Sample National Center for Create visualizations of the POPRES data Calling plot without specifying any additional options shows the POPRES samples projected onto the first two PCs with the samples labeled according to their countryoforigin This plot closely reproduces Fig 1a of Novembre et al 2008 Note the use of the abbreviated country names Oct 4 2016 For our POPRES samples we selected the reference with minimal Neis G ST as recommended 32 For software relying on admixed references a corresponding HapMap reference was selected POPRES Population Reference Sample National Center for Comparing performance of modern genotype imputation methods Principal components analysis of genetic variation in POPRES Illustration of PCAviz on POPRES data PCAviz jnpopgenorg The Population Reference Sample POPRES a resource for POPRES Population Reference Sample National Center for May 4 2016 The genetic relationship matrix estimated from the POPRES data resembled a diagonal matrix that had offdiagonal elements close to zero suggesting that POPRES is a more homogenous samples as Technological and scientific advances stemming in large part from the Human Genome and HapMap projects have made largescale genomewide investigations feasible and cost effective These advances have the potential to dramatically impact drug discovery and development by identifying genetic facto The variables collected are country for self father mother maternal and paternal grandfathers and grandmothers owning collection continental origin grouping by PCA gender primary langauge and genotype qc n4 variables These subjects were released in POPRES version 1 and 2 and were genotyped on Affymetrix 500K Dataset type Simple POPRES genotype data may be included with study genotype data to conduct analyses of population structure The Affymetrix 500K SNP panel shares a reasonably large number of SNPs with other popular SNP panels including Illumina 1M 138143 and Affymetrix 60 469874 which in many cases will be sufficient for inferring patterns of population Data on 1387 European subjects from the POPRES panel Nelson et al 2008 and results from principal components analysis PCA of genotypes at 197146 single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs The POPRES collection includes subjects from ten ahyeon babymonster individual collections These collections are a mix of unrelated population samples and healthy controls and are described in Nelson et al PMID 18760391 Molecular Data POPRES Population Reference Sample egaarchive EigenGWAS finding loci under selection through genomewide POPRES version 3 The discovery and development of novel drugs is challenging and with high attrition rates Selection of the right target and optimal indications for novel therapeutics represent key decision points in this process and are often hampered by our limited understanding of the biology of the target in humans POPRES Population Reference Sample National Center for Dataset Name POPRESv3SubjectPhenotypes Dataset Accession pht002998v2p2 Dataset Description This subject phenotype data table includes European label which is a geographic label for sampled subjects world label origin label and the country where the subject was born List of popes Wikipedia The Population Reference Sample POPRES A Resource for Improved Ancestry Estimation for both Genotyping and Sep 12 2008 DOI 101016jajhg200808005 Corpus ID 18258214 The Population Reference Sample POPRES a resource for population disease and pharmacological genetics research articleNelson2008ThePR titleThe Population Reference Sample POPRES a resource for population disease and pharmacological genetics research authorMatthew R Nelson and Katarzyna Bryc and Karen King and Amit R The Population Reference Sample POPRES a resource for Plaque commemorating the popes buried in St Peters Basilica their names in Latin and the year of their burial This chronological list of popes of the Catholic Church corresponds to that given in the Annuario Pontificio under the heading I Sommi Pontefici Romani The Roman Supreme Pontiffs excluding those that are explicitly indicated as antipopes The Population Reference Sample POPRES A Resource for POPRES Population Reference Sample National Center for POPRESv3SubjectPhenotypes This subject phenotype data table includes European label which is a geographic label for sampled subjects world label origin label and the country where the subject was born These subjects were submitted in POPRES version 3 and contain genotype data generated from targeted next generation sequencing Sep 12 2008 2809 subjects were included in POPRES Although extensive phenotypic data were collected on these participants the POPRES database only includes nonidentifying demographic information age at collection selfidentified race andor ethnicity native language country of birth and parental and grandparental countries of birth Sep 1 2008 The POPRES group is a resource for population disease and pharmacological genetics research that has been shown to be a good genetic match for the flucloxacillin and coamoxiclav cases included Jun 4 2015 We then explored whether using the imputed POPRES data can further improve ancestry estimation within Europe The number of overlapping SNPs between the exome chip and the imputed POPRES data is 19123 which is about 5 times of the SNPs shared with maxwin138 slot login alternatif the original POPRES data
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