pppj - PPPJ Principles and Practice of Programming in Java WikiCFP

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pppj - PPPJ provides a forum for researchers datebayo practitioners and educators to present and discuss novel results on all aspects of Java programming including the language and its virtual machine methods tools frameworks libraries case studies and experience reports We invite papers on all these aspects Topics include but are not limited to pppj Duale Hochschule BadenWürttemberg PDF PPPJ 2011 9th International Conference on the Principles and DTU PPPJ ACM Digital Library PPPJ ACM Digital Library PPPJ 2012 10th International conference on the principles and PPPJ is a forum for researchers practitioners and educators to present and discuss novel results on all aspects of Java programming The conference covers topics such as the Java language and systems software engineering mobile and embedded devices security testing concurrency and applications dblp Principles and Practice of Programming in Java 2015 Proceedings of the Principles and Practices of Programming on The Java Platform PPPJ 2015 Melbourne FL USA September 811 2015 ACM 2015 ISBN 978145033712 Keynote Abstracts PPPJ13 is the 10th conference in the PPPJ series and continues its tradition of providing a forum for researchers practitioners and educators to present and discuss novel results on all aspects of programming on the Java platform including virtual machines languages tools methods frameworks libraries case studies and experience Proceedings of the naugural International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Programming in Java PPPJ 2002 and Proceedings of the second workshop on Intermediate representation engineering for virtual machines Dublin Ireland June 1314 2002 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 25 ACM 2002 ISBN 901519871 PPPJ bring together researchers teachers tipo practitioners and programmers who study or work with the Java platform PPPJ13 focused on the interaction between virtual machine technology and different programming languages that target the Java platform It was the 10th edition in the PPPJ series Welcome to PPPJ 2011 The 9th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java will bring together researchers teachers practitioners and programmers who study or work with the Java language or its virtual machine The conference provides an opportunity to discuss principles best practices and new ideas in a PPPJ is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss novel results on all aspects of managed languages and their runtime systems including Java Scala JavaScript Python etc The next edition will be held in Lugano Switzerland in August 2016 The PPPJ conference is an excellent forum for presentation of research results and discussion of issues related to the Java platform and language This year the call for papers resulted in 35 submissions Every paper was carefully examined by at least three and typically four program committee members Based on these high quality of the PPPJ Principles and Practice of Programming in Java WikiCFP dblp ManLang PPPJ PPPJ ACM Digital Library PPPJ 16 the 13th conference in the PPPJ series provides a forum for researchers practitioners and educators to present and discuss novel results on all aspects of managed languages and their runtime systems including virtual machines tools methods frameworks libraries case studies and experience reports PPPJ 2011 9th International Conference on punchbag the Principles and Practice

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