prolanis - The Impact of the Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program

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prolanis - The implementation of communitybased diabetes and bola voli paling bagus hypertension PLOS Since 2010 Indonesian government has initiated a chronic disease management program Prolanis Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kronis targeted for diabetes and hypertension The program is continued at the commencement of universal health coverage UHC in 2014 This study aimed to report the utilization and cost of the implementation of Prolanis in Indonesia from 2014 to 2016 or two years The results above showed that Prolanis hypertension patients in the intervention group had higher utility values confirming that pharmacists counseling have an impact on patients physical and mental health state The results of the utility index and visual analog scale can be seen in Table 2 P12 Table 2 PROLANIS is a programme that aims to improve the quality and efficiency of care for people with chronic diseases in Indonesia It involves purchasing arrangements provider and patient participation quality monitoring payment and reward structures and impact evaluation The implementation of a chronic disease management program Prolanis PDF Chronic disease management programme PROLANIS in Indonesia Outcomes of the Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program PROLANIS Prolanis aim to provide a proactive healthcare service approach for patients with chronic diseases particularly those with diabetes mellitus and hypertension Prolanis also aims to achieve the optimal quality of life in patients with chronic disease through effective and efficient healthcare services including cost The Impact of the Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program Measurement of the Quality of Life of Prolanis Hypertension Patients in These findings highlight the importance of restarting the PROLANIS program and strengthening the role of primary care in health promotion and disease prevention A nationwide evaluation study is needed to scrutinize the magnitude of the impact of the sarjana4d COVID19 pandemic on the health outcome of hypertension patients enrolled in PROLANIS Footnotes Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis Prolanis Langkah Efektif The Impact of the Indonesian Chronic Disease Management PubMed PROLANIS has several activities and funding from the government was needed to conduct all activities effectively However the cost per individual for PROLANIS participants was found to be reduced by 50 within the first 2 years of program implementation because of the increasing number of participants 44 The lack of funding might affect the Role of purchasing arrangements for quality chronic disease care WHO Outcomes of the Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program PROLANIS BACKGROUND The Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program PROLANIS is a government program that aims to improve the health outcomes of patients with chronic diseases including hypertension This preliminary study aimed to evaluate the impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 COVID19 pandemic Background Indonesia through its government National Health Insurance System has launched a noncommunicable and chronic disease management program named Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program PROLANIS with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus T2DM and hypertension as the main focus However study that evaluates the clinical impact of PROLANIS in patients with T2DM is still scarce to this date PROLANIS is a national health insurance programme that provides regular consultations health monitoring and patient engagement for people with diabetes or hypertension It aims to improve quality of care and control costs for chronic diseases in Indonesia Prolanis adalah program yang memberikan solusi konkret untuk pengelolaan penyakit kronis di Indonesia Dengan dukungan berbagai pihak dan penerapan langkahlangkah yang konsisten Prolanis mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup peserta sekaligus mengurangi beban layanan kesehatan di masa depan Partisipasi aktif dari peserta kode v belt yamaha dan komitmen semua pihak

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