proteger - Protégé Definition Meaning MerriamWebster proteger firstperson snaplants singular present protejo firstperson singular preterite protegim or protegi past participle protegido reintegrationist norm reintegrationist spelling of protexer Conjugation The meaning of PROTÉGÉ is one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience prominence or influence How to use protégé in a sentence Proteger Spanish to English Translation SpanishDictionarycom proteger Wiktionary the free dictionary Learn how to conjugate the verb proteger meaning to protect in Spanish See the present past future conditional subjunctive and perfect tenses as well as examples and pronunciation Aprende el significado los sinónimos y la traducción de proteger en inglés Consulta ejemplos expresiones y foros sobre el uso de esta palabra en español Consulta el significado la conjugación y los ejemplos de uso de la palabra proteger en el diccionario de la Real Academia Española Proteger es un verbo transitivo que significa resguardar amparar o favorecer a alguien o algo Learn the meaning and usage of the French verb protéger maxwintogel which means to protect keep off safeguard secure or shield See translations synonyms and examples from Europarl Parallel Corpus Proteger Conjugation Conjugate Proteger in Spanish Proteger Spanish Pronunciation SpanishDictionarycom Learn how to say and use the verb proteger in Spanish and English with definitions conjugations phrases and audio pronunciations Find out the meaning synonyms and usage of proteger in different contexts and regions Encuentra sinónimos y antónimos de proteger un verbo que significa preservar defender o ayudar Consulta también la definición la gramática los foros y las traducciones de proteger proteger Diccionario InglésEspañol WordReferencecom Learn the meaning and usage of the Spanish verb proteger which means to protect preserve cover conserve etc See translations synonyms and examples from Europarl Parallel Corpus proteger Diccionario de la lengua española RAE ASALE proteger sinónimos y antónimos WordReferencecom Spanish Pronunciation of Proteger Learn how to pronounce Proteger in Spanish with video audio and syllablebysyllable spelling from Latin America and Spain PROTEGER in English Cambridge Dictionary PROTÉGER ketengikan in English Cambridge Dictionary
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