psikku - Complete Ecosystem Platform for Psychological Assessment Please use Alphabet Uppercase and Lowercase Number Symbol and more than 8 character Psikku Support Psikku is end to end platform for talent management We personalize your assessment process and make psychological services easy to access For Corporate Goverment We here to make your job Psikku on the App Store Complete Ecosystem Platform for Psychological Assessment Psikku Indonesia Psikku General Information Description Developer of assessment platform intended for talent assessment and development The companys platform offers a mental health consultation component training aggregator and performance monitoring and management tools all integrated into a single ecosystem it also uses psychometric and artificial intelligencebased tools for testing enabling schools Can counselors psychologists and psychology bureaus use Psikku services to support their work or profession Is Psikku a kind of HRIS system or a personnel information system What sectors does Psikku serve Can the TalentMapping Pass product be used for testing simultaneously What is the Psikku ecosystem of products and services Psikku not only focus on the IQ aspect but also provides a comprehensive picture of literacy numeracy abilities exact and even nonexact things This provides insight more in depth for teachers to design strategies and approaches learning that is more suited to each individuals interests and talents student Scan this qrcode using your Psikku application installed on your mobile phone Make sure you allow the pop up permission in your google chrome browser If the scanning success you will be redirected to you assessment session Psikku Indonesia Psikku is a leading assessment platform for talent assessment and development Our platform uses advanced psychometric and artificial intelligencebased tools to help schools universities and recruiters assess and develop the skills of hundreds of students and employees in realtime Psikku APK for Android Download APKPurecom Complete Ecosystem Platform for Psychological Assessment Email address Please enter a valid email address Psikku for Android Download Softonic Mar 14 2021 Dalam kiprah pengembangan SDM PNS di Sulawesi Utara Pemprov Sulut melalui Aplikasi PSIKKU melaksanakan Asesmen Kompetensi PNS secara online Disampaikan Wakil Gubernur Steven Kandouw saat membuka kegiatan Asesmen Kompetensi ASN Pemprov Sulut di Aula Mapalus Kantor Gubernur Sulut Rabu 24022021 bahwa peningkatan SDM menjadi prioritas Psikku Crunchbase Company Profile Funding Indonesia Psikku Aug 2 2024 Psikku Pass is the solution for you Designed for students professionals and employees alike this app offers an innovative approach to talent assessment With the Psikku Pass your school university company or pingulive slot organization can easily identify your inner potential including talent mapping cognitive skills work behavior or mental Psikku Apps on Google Play Psikku believes that every Individual is unique As an organizational partner Psikku commit to help companies or schools discover hidden character and potential to achieve organizational development As an organizational partner Psikku commit to help companies or schools discover hidden character and potential to achieve organizational development Complete Ecosystem Platform for Psychological Assessment Email address Please enter a valid email address Psikku Indonesia Psikku helped us in recognizing the potential of students through psychological assessments Its easier for us in mapping the student talent and then develop appropriate development programsThe assessment is flexible and fast The report provided is also very comprehensiveFor us psikku has provided a very innovative and solutive psychology service as neededHope Psikku continues to develop Oct 9 2024 Psikku Pass is the solution for you Designed for students professionals and employees alike this app offers an innovative approach to talent assessment With the Psikku Pass your school university company or organization can easily identify your inner potential including talent mapping cognitive skills work behavior or mental Jun 6 2023 Psikku Pass is a free Android app designed to assess your sustainability talent It is suitable for students professionals and employees to identify their inner potential including talent mapping cognitive skills work behavior or mental health assessment Psikku Company Profile 2024 Valuation Funding Investors Psikku Indonesia Psikku Psikku provides you with all services offered to be provided by Psikku on or as the case may be out of the Platform including i online psychological assessment such as recruitment promotion and talent mapping to achieve organization goals for corporate and government ii online interest and talent assessment for helping students Psikku Pass is the solution for you Designed for students professionals and employees alike this app offers an innovative approach to talent assessment With Psikku Pass your school university company or organization can easily identify your inner potential including talent mapping cognitive skills work behavior or mental Psikku Psikku Pass is the solution for you Designed for students professionals and employees alike this app offers an innovative approach to talent assessment With Psikku Pass your school university company or organization can easily identify your inner potential including talent mapping cognitive skills work behavior or mental Psikku Assessor Sulut Akhirnya Lahirkan Startup Berskala Nasional Psikku Psikku LinkedIn Psikku para pemain bola voli mengalami perpindahan posisi secara on the App Store