pterospermum - Pterospermum diversifolium NParks

pterospermum - Pterospermum acerifolium L Willd World Flora kustini Online Pterospermum acerifolium IPlantz Pterospermum Definition Meaning MerriamWebster Mar 7 2024 Pterospermum sumatranum or Bayur is a smallsized tree that can grow to 15 m tall Leaves are asymmetrical broadly egg to lanceshaped with an uneven heartshaped base the underside is covered in short brown hairs Flowers can either be held singly or in clusters of 2 to 3 flowers along the axils Unveiling the ecological significance of pterospermum species Bayur Tree Nehrling Gardens Scientific name Pterospermum acerifolium Plant family MALVACEAE Origin India to Burma Description Grows up to 3040 feet Bark is smooth large leaves with some variation Large white slender flowers in spring cream color Fragrant at night with probable moth or bat pollinators Leaf foliage dark green with underside bronze to silver NParks Pterospermum sumatranum National Parks Board Pterospermum acerifolium is an angiosperm that is traditionally included in the family Sterculiaceae however it is grouped in the expanded family Malvaceae as well The classification Pterospermum is based on two Greek words Pteron and Sperma meaning winged seed and the species name acerifolium indicates leaves shaped like a maples FLORAL ECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF PTEROSPERMUM The meaning of PTEROSPERMUM is a genus of shrubs and trees family Sterculiaceae of southeastern Asia and the East Indies including several that yield economically important timbers Feb 5 2024 The genus Pterospermum with about 75 species of trees and shrubs distributed in tropical and subtropical regions plays an important ecological role in biodiversity This article a this summary examines the ecological significance of Pterospermum by highlighting its contribution to biodiversity habitat stability carbon sequestration and livelihoods economic aspects Pterospermum species are Apr 5 2024 Pterospermum reticulatum underscores the want for its conservation and sustainable control to preserve its benefits for ecosystems and human wellbeing Mathias 1982 4 Pterospermum suberifolium Pterospermum suberifolium usually referred to as the Melon Seed Tree is a huge tree species located in the rainforests of Southeast Asia Pterospermum Wikipedia Pterospermum acerifolium is a tree up to 30 m tall The leaves are variable and they can be orbicular oblong obovate or even palmately lobed The upper surface of the leaf is usually chestnutcoloured while the underside is yellowish brown and hairy Prized for its large fragrant flowers it is cultivated for ornamental purpose Pterospermum is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family MalvaceaeIts species are tropical trees that range from southern China across tropical Asia Traditionally included in the family Sterculiaceae it is included in the expanded Malvaceae in the APG and most subsequent systematics the leaves of Pterospermum acerifolium L have antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties which provide a basis for the traditional use of the plant 27 Antiulcer activity The role of alcoholic fraction of Pterospermum acerifolium bark extract on oxidative damages in the gastric tissue during alcohol induced ulceration was PDF Pterospermum acerifolium Linn Ethnomedicinal uses Pterospermum acerifolium Useful Tropical Plants The Ferns A large tree up to 30 m tall with cipeucang grey bark and rusty pubescent young parts Leaves oblong broadly obovate to ovate orbicular or rectangular 1040 cm long 835 cm broad cordate often peltate margin wavy to distantly coarse toothed or irregularly lobed silvery to rusty pubescent beneath glabrescent and dark green above petiole 515 cm long densely tomentose at the base stipules Bayur Tree Pterospermum acerifolium iNaturalist NZ The genus Pterospermum found in the moist deciduous forest and evergreen forest at low altitudes similar as in the case of Eriolaena lushingstonii and Helicteres isora Pterospermum reticulatum is a vulnerable tree species belongs to the family Sterculiaceae It is an evergreen tree at low elevations and endemic to Western Ghats of India Fruit Fruit is ovate or elliptic 8 cm long with a pointed or blunt tip densely covered with brown hairs and have 5 narrow ridges Habitat It is found in tropical deciduous forest up to 1100 m altitude Trees to 25 m tall bark yellowbrown or gray striate Branchlets yellowbrown velutinous when young Stipules 23fimbriate velutinous longer than petiole petiole ca 05 cm leaf blade lanceolate or oblonglanceolate 59 23 cm abaxially densely yellowbrown or yellowwhite velutinous adaxially glabrous base oblique or obtuse margins entire or with several teeth near apex apex Pterospermum diversifolium NParks Pterospermum acerifolium Linn A comprehensive review with Pterospermum lanceifolium Roxb World Flora Online Pterospermum acerifolium karnikara tree is an angiosperm indigenous to Southeast Asia from India to BurmaIt is most likely to grow naturally along forested stream banks The best growing conditions are a seasonally moist then dry climate with access to full sunlight Pterospermum acerifolium is an angiosperm that is traditionally included in the Sterculiaceae family however it is grouped Oct 13 2024 Pterospermum acerifolium is an evergreen tree with an irregular crown with thick steeply ascending branches it can grow up to 30 metres tall The bole is often crooked NParks Pterospermum acerifolium National Parks Board Books Barwick M et al 2004 Tropical subtropical trees a worldwide encyclopaedic guide Thames and Hudson London Council of Scientific and Industrial Research India 1948 1976 11 volumes The Wealth of India a dictionary of Indian raw materials and industrial products Delhi Pterospermum acerifolium Wikipedia Pterospermum grandiflorum NParks Pterospermum an overview ScienceDirect Topics Pterospermum diversifolium or Bayu is a tree native to Singapore Growing to 20 m tall it produce hairy oblongobovate oblong or palmately lobed leaves In younger leaves the underside could appear white while mature foliage have a straw coloured to yellowishbrown underside Fossil Grewia wood is usually referred to the morphogenus Grewioxylon and characterized by heterocellular ray tissue that contains tile cells of the Pterospermum type see Selmeier 2000a Sapindales The extant Sapindales includes 9 families and 450 genera that are trees shrubs and woody vines Unveiling the ecological significance of pterospermum species Jan 1 2023 Pterospermum acerifolium Linn is a medicinal herb commonly known as kanakchampa belongs to family Sterculiaceae which has since long been used in traditional system of nagitabet medicine for its magical

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