punthuk - BOROBUDUR SUNRISE VIA PUNTHUK SETUMBU HILL kode telkomsel cek nomor BOROBUDUR TEMPLE This tour package offers travelers a chance to witness the beautiful sunrise over Borobudur Temple from Punthuk Setumbu Hill and explore the cultural landmark of Borobudur Temple Note Sunrise at the temple is still closed since pandemic PUNTHUK SETUMBU 2025 All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go Oct 16 2024 Punthuk Setumbu Nirvana Sunrise The sun fulfills a promise to give the beautiful panorama in Punthuk Setumbu Hill Seeing the sunrise with Borobudur Temple as a landscape and many trees around it make us feel like on top of a cloud palace Punthuk Setumbu Sajian Pemandangan Sunrise Terbaik Punthuk Setumbu Entrance Fee Top Things To Do IdeTrips PUNTHUK SETUMBU Pariwisata Jawa Tengah Punthuk Setumbu Nirvana Sunrise Java Heritage Tour Punthuk setumbu is around 5 km from the Temple and the road is too steep reaching by bicycle So you need to ride motorbike or motortaxi or rent a car Entrance ticket is IDR 30000 for foreigner and IDR 15000 for local tourist Fyi Borobudur Village is always cover with the fog every morning Mar 15 2021 To get to Punthuk Setumbu it takes about 10 minutes from the Borobudur Temple compound However it is 44 km away from Yogyakarta which takes about an hours worth of driving in a car It also takes about 30 minutes from the centre of the city of Magelang The entrance fee to Punthuk Setumbu is Rp 50000 for International visitors Punthuk Setumbu and Bukit Rhema is a one trip package which is located between Yogyakarta and Magelang in particular on the way to the majestic Borobudur temple It is easier to rent a car with driver to take you there since to enjoy the view you will be advised to get up as early as 4 am Lokasi Punthuk Setumbu sendiri tidak terlalu jauh dari Candi Borobudur akses menuju ke tempat ini juga tidak terlalu sulit untuk lebih tepatnya lagi Punthuk Setumbu berada di Jl Borobudur Ngadiharjo KM 4 Kurahan Desa Karangrejo Kecamatan Borobudur Kabupaten Magelang Provinsi Jawa Tengah Sejarah Punthuk Setumbu Awalnya Punthuk Setumbu hanyalah perbukitan biasa yang berisi ladang milik warga sekitar Namun karena seorang fotografer mengabadikan area ini dan mengunggahnya mulailah tempat ini terkenal Foto hasil jepretan tersebut merupakan foto Candi Borobudur dengan latar matahari terbit Punthuk Setumbu Hill Sunrise at Magelang Indonesia Punthuk setumbu is around 5 km from the Temple and the road is too steep reaching by bicycle So you need to ride motorbike or motortaxi or rent a car Entrance ticket is IDR 30000 for foreigner and IDR 15000 for local tourist Fyi Borobudur Village is always cover with the fog every morning Punthuk Setumbu Chicken Church AllTrails Punthuk Setumbu All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go 2025 Punthuk Setumbu The Power Of Social Media NativeIndonesiacom Punthuk Setumbu dolanesiatravel Videos for Punthuk Punthuk Setumbu comes from the Javanese language Punthuk means mound or hill and setumbu is tumbu To be precise Punthuk Setumbu is a place for rice made of woven resembling the shape of the hill itself Not far from Punthuk Setumbu there is the Bukit Rhema tourist attraction which is popular with the Chicken Church A long history accompanies ekstrasi the presence of this Chicken Church until Unforgettable Sunrise At Punthuk Setumbu idbackpackercom Borobudur Sunrise Only via Punthuk Setumbu Hill Aug 8 2024 Bukit Punthuk Setumbu is located in Karangrejo Village Borobudur District Magelang Regency Central Java Approximately 44 km from Yogyakarta Punthuk Setumbu can be reached between 1 15 hours drive The route to Punthuk Setumbu is very easy Tiket Masuk Rp 15000 dan Rute Lokasi Punthuk Setumbu Punthuk Setumbu is popular as the budget version to access a glimpse of Borobudur Temple Punthuk Setumbu is a hill with a height of about 400 meters and is located in Menoreh Mountain Before becoming a tourist destination Punthuk Setumbu once was a farm field maintained by the locals The location of the hill is a bit away from Yogyakarta Jun 6 2023 Menikmati pemandangan sunrise di Punthuk Setumbu juga terbilang menarik Bahkan sampai sekarang bisa jadi solusi mudah bagi pelancong luar kota Setiap pengunjung akan dikenakan biaya retribusi sebesar Rp 15000 per orang Sedangkan dari jam operasionalnya berlaku 24 jam Jam Operasional Punthuk Setumbu Anda dan wisatawan lainnya dapat mengunjungi tempat ini kapan saja karena tempat ini selalu buka setiap hari Termasuk hari libur nasional Jam operasional yang berlaku adalah mulai dari jam 04001700 WIB Punthuk Setumbu menawarkan pemandangan sunrise terindah Banyak wisatawan yang mengakui keindahan tempat ini Punthuk Setumbu is the best spot to enjoy the beautiful sunrise with the background of Mount Merapi Merbabu and Borobudur covered by fog You Want to go there Contact Toulous Tour we are ready to guide you CallWhatsapp 6281328843421 Punthuk Setumbu Foto Lokasi Rute Harga Tiket Fasilitas Punthuk Setumbu Sejarah Harga Tiket Masuk Lokasi Punthuk Setumbu Punthuk Setumbu is the name of a hill which is located about 3 km west of Borobudur Temple It is located in Karangrejo village Magelang From the Borobudur temple you can go straight to the destination of Manohara Hotel then you continue the street till reaching up Menoreh hill The Best Place to Enjoy the Sunrise in Central Java Only In No wonder Punthuk Setumbu has finally become a favorite location to watch a sunrise for foreign tourists and also a favorite spot for photographers Punthuk Setumbu is a hill about 400 meters above sea level which is located in the Menoreh Mountains This place used to be a residents field Mar 15 2017 Bukit Punthuk Setumbu Borobudur Nirwana Sunrise So here we are at Bukit Punthuk Setumbu which is one of the Borobudur sunrise watching hill located at Tapping Mountain Bukit Punthuk Setumbu is about 400m above sea level Dec 8 2023 Punthuk Setumbu merupakan sebuah bukit yang memiliki panorama alam yang indah serta udara yang menyejukan Adapun tempat wisata di dekat Punthuk Setumbu yang sangat terkenal adalah Candi Borobudur Dengan kata lain wisata Punthuk Setumbu merupakan cara lain untuk menikmati kemegahan dan keindahan Candi Borobudur The Borobudur Sunrise Mistake at Punthuk Setumbu Punthuk Setumbu Tiket Masuk Fasilitas Lokasi Rute Menuju Lokasi Punthuk Setumbu Punthuk setumbu adalah bukit yang memiliki spot terbaik untuk menyaksikan sunrise dan kemegahan Candi Borobudur dari ketinggian pada pagi hari yang masih di selimuti kabut Tak heran banyak pengunjung memfavoritkan tempat ini sebagai spot sunrise terbaik PUNTHUK SETUMBU Tiket kode kesalahan 192 Aktivitas Januari 2025 Travelspromo