quanquan - Quanquan Gu is an assistant professor kode pos genteng banyuwangi of computer science at University of California Los Angeles His current research focuses on nonconvex optimization for machine learning theory of deep learning and highdimensional statistical inference He received his PhD in computer science from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign List of computer science publications by Quanquan Gu Weve just launched a new service our brand new dblp SPARQL query serviceRead more about it in our latest blog post or try out some of the SPARQL queries linked on the dblp web pages below Quanquan Gu currently works at the Department of Computer Science UCLA He does research in Machine Learning Data Mining Optimization and Highdimensional Statistics Jan 2 2024 Harnessing the power of humanannotated data through Supervised FineTuning SFT is pivotal for advancing Large Language Models LLMs In this paper we delve into the prospect of growing a strong LLM out of a weak one without the need for acquiring additional humanannotated data We propose a new finetuning method called SelfPlay fInetuNing SPIN which starts from a supervised fine Quanquan C Liu Yale University Verified email at yaleedu Homepage Graph Algorithms Scheduling Algorithms ParallelDistributed Algorithms Dynamic Graph Algorithms Quanquan Gu University of California Los Angeles Quanquan Lius homepage Quanquan Gu UCLA University of California Berkeley Author Quanquan Liu Paper link H1Bpdf Title Maximum Likelihood Optimization via Parallel Estimating Gradient Ascent Author Quanquan Liu and Yining Wang Quanquan Gu University of California Los Angeles Associate Professor of Computer Science UCLA Cited by 22595 Statistical Machine Learning Nonconvex Optimization Deep Learning Theory Reinforcement Learning AI for Science Quanquan Gu is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at UCLA leading research on artificial intelligence and machine learning He has published papers on nonconvex optimization deep learning reinforcement learning and scientific discovery with AI Quanquan Gu is an associate professor of computer science at UCLA with research interests in machine learning optimization and AI for scientific discovery He has published several papers on NeurIPS and other conferences and received various awards and fellowships Postdoc Yuan Cao PhD Princeton University 2018 Fall 2018 Present PhD Students Jinghui Chen Fall 2015 Present Pan Xu Fall 2015 Present Lingxiao Wang Fall 2016 Present Quanquan Pang Peking University Verified email at pkueducn Electrochemical engineering Batteries Articles Cited by Public access Coauthors Title Sort Quanquan Gu Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing Quanquan psblink Gu OpenReview Quanquan Gu Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences Emory University School of Medicine Decatur GA 顾泉泉 深圳本恩国际Evape Loom supplier from May 7 2023 Many years ago a young woman named Min Hui fell for a young man named Xin Qi They dreamed of spending the rest of their lives together and had even planned Quanquan Gu is an associate professor at UCLA who works on statistical machine learning optimization and data mining His research focuses on foundations of deep learning nonconvex optimization and applications in various domains Quanquan Gu dblp Quanquan Gu UCLA Samueli School Of Engineering Quanquan GU Professor Assistant Doctor of Philosophy Quanquan Gu University of California Los Angeles Quanquan Gu Research Scientist ByteDance Inc Associate Professor Department of Computer Science University of California Los Angeles Joined February 2017 Quanquan C Liu Quanquan Gu Associate Professor University of California Erik D Demaine Andrea Lincoln Quanquan C Liu Jayson Lynch and Virginia Vassilevska Williams in ITCS 2018 Arboral satisfaction recognition and LP approximation Journal Publication Erik D Demaine Varun Ganesan Vladislav Kontsevoi Qipeng Liu Quanquan C Liu Fermi Ma Ofir Nachum Aaron Sidford Erik Waingarten and Daniel Ziegler Quanquan Gu Google Scholar 240101335 SelfPlay FineTuning Converts Weak Language Quanquan Gu University of California Los Angeles Quanquan Gu Tong Zhang and Jiawei Han In Proc of the 30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence UAI Quebec City Quebec Canada 2014 Online Spectral Learning on a Graph with Bandit Feedback Quanquan Gu and Jiawei Han In Proc of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining ICDM Shenzhen China 2014 Quanquan Gu University of California Los Angeles Quanquan Pang Google Scholar Quanquan C Liu Google Scholar May 4 2022 Quanquan Gu is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UCLA His research is in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning with a focus on developing and analyzing nonconvex optimization algorithms for machine learning to understand largescale dynamic complex and heterogeneous data and building the theoretical He suspected that Quanquan is his son The Love YouTube Transductive Classification via Dual Regularization Quanquan Gu and Jie Zhou In Proc of the 19th European Conference on Machine Learning ECML Bled Slovenia 2009 Coclustering on Manifolds Quanquan Gu and Jie Zhou In Proc of the 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining conventi KDD Paris France 2009