quris - Quris is leveraging the power of waaa328 AI to disrupt the drug development process and completely change pharmas approach The future is not only predicting which drugs will work safely on the QurisAIs BioAI Platform Integrated by Merck KGaA Quris disruptive platform that marries machine learning with 3Dmultiorgan technology has the potential to reduce the costly and inefficient practice of testing on animals and to be Quriss team spirit is our greatest asset We come from diverse disciplines joined together by a shared vision to harness cuttingedge machine learning engineering and biology to transform how drugs are developed Quris AI to predict which drugs will safely work in humans Merck KGaA has integrated QurisAIs BioAI platform into its drug development pipeline to evaluate small molecule drug candidates for safety before clinical trials The collaboration builds on a twoyear validation study where QurisAI demonstrated higher accuracy in predicting druginduced liver injury DILI compared to traditional preclinical methods with the potential to reduce Quris BioAI safety prediction platform which is based on human tissue samples on chips nanosensors and machine learning will be compared to traditional in vitro and in vivo laboratory Currently Quris is engaged in a collaboration with Merck KGaA a toptier pharma company and has several other tier1 pharma collaboration discussions in progress Corporate Responsibility At QurisAI they are committed to reshaping the future of healthcare by prioritizing ethical practices in drug development How QurisAI QurisAI is an artificial intelligence innovator that is disrupting drug development Its machinelearning bioplatform better predicts which drug candidates will safely work in humans avoiding Quris uses AIpowered miniaturized patientsonachip to avoid the tremendous risks and costs of failed clinical trials and eliminate the reliance on ineffective animal testing under the Quris Closes 28 Million in Seed Funding From Top BOSTON and TELAVIV Israel January 11 2022 Quris an artificial intelligence AI innovator disrupting the pharmaceutical arena today announced the final close of 28 million in seed funding inclusive of the initial 9 million announced late last year with the launch of Quriss BioAI platform for clinical prediction Quris Closes Critical Drug Development Gaps With New Quris Closes Critical Drug Development Gaps With New Clinical Who QurisAI AI drug discovery startup Quris launches with 9M to predict The artificial intelligence deals keep coming at Merck KGaA Days after the pharma put out news of two new AI pacts QurisAI has shared details of the expansion of the drug toxicity prediction QurisAI announced the successful asset acquisition of Nortis BOSTON and TEL AVIV Israel sm3010 Oct 29 2024 GLOBE NEWSWIRE QurisAI Quris a leading BioAI company focused on revolutionizing the pharmaceutical drug development process today announced the successful asset acquisition of Nortis recently known as Numa Biosciences Inc and will be opening access to publicly funded data QurisAI Quris Closes 28M in Seed Funding From Top Institutional Merck KGaA Adopts QurisAIs OrganOnChip Platform for Quris unique machinelearning approach using the BioAI Clinical Prediction Platform is radically different By using a patented process to test known safe and unsafe drugs on miniaturized PatientsonaChip with our automated highthroughput system data is generated classified and continuously retrains the machine learning algorithm QurisAI to Provide Safety Assessments for Small Molecule Drug Candidates Before Initiating Clinical TrialsBOSTON and TELAVIV Israel Jan 07 2025 GLOBE NEWSWIRE QurisAI an artificial QurisAI an artificial intelligence innovator disrupting the QurisAI TelAvivIsrael CONTACT Emailbentwichqurisai Corporate highlights Established collaborations with pharmaceutical and research institutes worldwide Led by pharma and tech Quris the worlds first clinicalprediction AI platform ensures the safety and efficacy of new drugs Revolutionizing the drug development process the company is pioneering clinical trials on QurisAI Named to Fast Companys Annual List of 2023 Most Quris closes record 28 million Seed funding for AI drug Merck KGaA grows Quris toxicity AI pact continuing deal flurry Quris AI is tackling the most impactful AI challenge of our time Predicting which drug candidates will safely work in humans Quriss machinelearning bioplatform predicts which drug candidates will safely work in humans Quris AI The Healthcare Technology Report The new year has only just begun but startup funding records are already being broken Quris which develops an artificial intelligence AI drug development platform announced on Tuesday the final close of 28 million in Seed funding a record for Seed funding in Israel inclusive of the initial 9 million announced late last year QurisAI an artificial intelligence innovator disrupting the QurisAI Named to Fast Companys Annual List of the Worlds Quris uses AIpowered miniaturized patientsonachip to avoid the tremendous risks and costs of failed clinical trials and eliminate the reliance on ineffective animal testing under the Boston and Tel Avivbased Quris has built an AI platform it says is capable of predicting which investigational drugs will work safely in humans The AIpowered patients on a chip platform aims Merck will assess Quris AI patientonachip drug safety Israelbased startup Quris has launched the worlds first AI platform for predicting which drug candidates will work safely in humans which is significantly increasing efficacy and ungu warna lowering Quris AI LinkedIn