refiner - one whose work is to refine sisi bola ada berapa a specific thing Refiner Definition Meaning YourDictionary A refiner is a company that makes different products from a basic product usually oil or sugar Learn more about the meaning pronunciation and usage of refiner with examples from various sources Official Music Video for Refiner feat Chandler Moore and Steffany Gretzinger Listen to Chandlers new album Live In Los Angeles httpschandlermoore Learn the meaning of refiner as a noun that describes a company that makes different products from a basic product usually oil or sugar See how to pronounce refiner and find examples of its usage in sentences REFINER definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary Refiner Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom A refiner is a person device or substance that removes impurities sediment or other unwanted matter from something Find out more about the meaning usage and translations of refiner in English and Spanish Refiner definition Agent noun of refine one who refines REFINER English meaning Cambridge Dictionary Oil refinery Wikipedia Learn about the origins and evolution of oil refineries from ancient China and Persia copar to modern India and Romania Find out how crude oil is transformed into various products such as gasoline diesel asphalt and petrochemicals Learn the meaning synonyms examples and history of the verb refine which means to free from impurities or improve Find out how to use refine in a sentence and see related words and entries refiner n meanings etymology and more Oxford English Dictionary Refiner definition of refiner by The Free Dictionary Refiner feat Chandler Moore Steffany Gretzinger YouTube Refiner Definition Meaning MerriamWebster refiner These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins or its parent company HarperCollins We welcome feedback report an example sentence to the Collins team The earliest known use of the noun refiner is in the late 1500s OEDs earliest evidence for refiner is from 1582 in the writing of Richard Mulcaster schoolmaster and author refiner is formed within English by derivation Etymons refine v er suffix 1 See etymology Nearby entries REFINER definition in American bintang mawar English Collins Online Dictionary
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