samfoo - The Samfoo and the Cheong Sam sarawakianablogspotcom

Brand: samfoo

samfoo - SAMFOO definition and meaning Collins English brandenburger Dictionary Learn about the history and features of the samfoo a traditional Chinese costume worn by women in Singapore See a pink samfoo from 1938 donated by a former bride Pakaian Tradisional Kaum Cina Samfoo Cheongsam Blogger SAMFOO Definition Meaning Dictionarycom Samfoo is a noun that refers to a style of clothing worn by Chinese women consisting of a waisted blouse and trousers Learn the origin history and examples of samfoo from Dictionarycom Shanku Wikipedia Samfu National Library Board The samfoo is actually a blouse and a pair of loose pants Sam in Cantonese means blouse and foo in the same dialect is trousers The Foochows called them koo ran or trousers and blouse The best samfoo was worn by Michele Yeoh in the film Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon She made the once forgotten samfoo a very wearable fashion at Traditional Chinese samfoo Roots Shanku simplified Chinese 衫裤 traditional Chinese 衫褲 pinyin shānkù lit shirt trousers see terminology is a generic term which refers to a twopiece set of attire in Hanfu which is typically composed of a youren yi Chinese 右衽 衣 pinyin yòurèn yī note 1 a Chinese upper garment which typically overlaps and closes on the right side which could be called shan A style of casual dress worn by Chinese women consisting of a waisted blouse and trousers Click for English pronunciations examples sentences video Define samfoo samfoo synonyms samfoo pronunciation samfoo translation English dictionary definition of samfoo uncut adalah or n a style of casual dress worn by Chinese women consisting of a waisted blouse and trousers Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 12th Samfu is a twopiece attire that was popular with the Chinese in South China Hong Kong and Singapore until the mid20th century Learn about its history description modern varieties and cultural significance from Singapore Infopedia by National Library Board The Samfoo and the Cheong Sam sarawakianablogspotcom Blousesamfoo They usually dressed in darkblue or black samfu also spelt samfoo which consisted of a set of blouse and trousers The dark colours ensured that the clothes would not stain easily The footwear they typically wore were pieces of rubber cut out from used tyres which they made into sandals by adding straps 3 Older wellrespected women wear a samfoo which looks like pajamas with a separate loosefitting top fastened by toggles and anklelength or above the ankle pants Indian Indians in Malaysia as with elsewhere in the world wear sarees and usually worn with a petticoat of a similar shade It is wrapped around the body so that the embroidered Samsui women Wikipedia Samfoo definition of samfoo by The Free Dictionary Malaysian cultural outfits Wikipedia Samfoo turut dipakai oleh lelaki berketurunan Cina tetapi mempunyai sedikit perbezaan dengan samfoo yang dipakai oleh wanita Cina Pakaian ini terdiri daripada baju yang longgar dan terbelah di depan dan berkolar tinggi serta dipakai bersama seluar longgar seperti seluar baju Melayu Pakaian ini biasanya diperbuat hifu vagina daripada kain lembut seperti

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