sayap - Translation of sayap into English wing novotel banjarbaru flank flap are the top translations of sayap into English Sample translated sentence Dia pasti akan dilahirkan dengan sepasayang sayap benar He would have been born with wings yes SAYAP EllyMazlein WeAreRocketfuel RFE Rocketfuelent RocketfuelRecords RocketfuelEntertainmentStream SAYAP on digital streaming platformsDownload RB sayap plural sayapsayap wing Synonym kepak an appendage of an animals bird bat insect body that enables it to fly a part of something that is lesser in size than the main body such as an extension from the main building part of an aircraft that produces the lift for rising into the air either of the two side petals of a papilionaceous flower Translation of sayap into English wing flap ala are the top translations of sayap into English Sample translated sentence Kita akan menghantar Potter ke sayap hospital dlm kotak mancis Well be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox What does sayap mean in Malay English Translation wings More meanings for sayap wing noun sayap flank sayap winge sayap Find more words SAYAP English translation Cambridge Dictionary SAYAP Translation in English babla Sayap is a Tagalog word that means a low nxgxjapan jar with a wide opening or a pot Learn the monolingual definition and see examples of how to use sayap in sentences SAYAP Translation in English babla Dengan sayap yang terpisah kita mendapat daya angkat pada sayap bagian atas dan dorongan pada sayap bagian bawah Kita juga melihat bagaimana kita mengatur efisiensi aerodinamis morevert openinnew Link to source warning Request revision Elly Mazlein SAYAP Official Music Video YouTube What does sayap mean in Malay WordHippo Translation for sayap in the free MalayEnglish dictionary and many other English translations babla arrowdropdown babla Online dictionaries vocabulary conjugation grammar Toggle navigation share Sayap means pinna wing or wing in English It can refer to a fin wing or similar part of a bird or animal or a section of a house aeroplane vehicle or politics sayap in English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe Sayap in English Definition of the Tagalog word sayap sayap Wiktionary the free dictionary sayap in English IndonesianEnglish Dictionary Glosbe What does sayap mean Definitionsnet Definition of sayap in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of sayap What does sayap mean Information and translations of sayap in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions plm.porno resource on the web
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