sehelai - SEHELAI English translation Cambridge Dictionary Translation kahla of sehelai into English piece is the translation of sehelai into English Sample translated sentence Saya nampak sehelai jubah yang cantik seketul jongkong emas dan beberapa kepingan perak I saw a beautiful robe and the bar of gold and the silver pieces What does sehelai mean Definitionsnet sehelai in English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe What does sehelai mean in Malay English Translation a piece Find more words Translation of sehelai into English blade sheet are the top translations of sehelai into English Sample translated sentence Hanya mencoba memungut sehelai kertas dengan tangan kiri saya membuat saya sangat menderita Just trying to pick up a sheet of paper with my left hand was agony What does sehelai mean in Malay WordHippo What is the difference between sebatang and sehelai HiNative Translation for sehelai in the free IndonesianEnglish dictionary and many other English translations To support our work we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe You have chosen not to accept cookies when visiting our site How to say sehelai in English Find more about sehelai the meaning of sehelai and translation of sehelai from Indonesian to English on Kamusnet Kata Takrif Sumber broadsheet mandato n terbitan lebar sehelai Kamus InggerisMelayu Dewan grass n 1 various green plants with bladelike leaves rumput a blade of sehelai rumput 2 any species of this rumput he experimented with different types of es dia menjalankan uji kaji thdp berbagaibagai jenis rumput 3 lawn rumput youre not supposed to walk on the kamu tdk boleh SEHELAI Translation in English babla Carian Umum Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu 另一方面Sehelai则更常用于描述柔软薄片状的物体如布料纱巾纸巾等它强调物体的柔软性和薄度这个词通常用于描述可折叠可卷曲或可穿戴的物体 例如 Dia memakai sehelai selendang di lehernya 他在脖子上系了一条围巾 SEHELAI translate blade Learn more in the Cambridge IndonesianEnglish Dictionary What is the difference between sekeping and sehelai HiNative Definition of sehelai in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of sehelai What does sehelai mean Information and translations of sehelai in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web sehelai in English IndonesianEnglish Dictionary Glosbe Sehelai is used for objects as thin as paper like leaves papers and shirts Sebuah is versatile The general use for sebuah is for large objects like cars wardrobes and houses but it can also be used for mediumsized objects like clocks and apples Sekeping is a bit tricky Its usage is the same as paper but for items that are a bit sehelai taman bermain Bahasa Inggris terjemahan Kamusnet