sistern - sistern meaning definition WordSense

Brand: sistern

sistern - What Is a Cistern Water System angka tiga The Family Handyman sistern is a nonstandard alternative form of sistren meaning sister or sisters It is derived from Middle English and has anagrams such as inserts and estrins Definition of sistern in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of sistern What does sistern mean Information and translations of sistern in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web Cistern Definition Meaning MerriamWebster Solved What Is a Cistern Bob Vila Cistern water can be used for various home and garden purposes With the basics covered what is a cistern used for There are several ways to use cistern water What does sistern mean Definitionsnet Cistern is a versatile term that can be used in various contexts while sistern is less common and more specific to rural areas Whats the difference in the tone of formality between sistern and cistern Both sistern and cistern are formal terms and are not commonly used in informal conversation The meaning of SISTERN is chiefly dialectal plural of sister sistern EnglishOrigin history From Middle English sisterne systerne sistren sustren sustern equivalent to sister en or alternatively modelled after brethren Noun sistern nonstandard Alternative form of sistren1896 Ernest Emory Russell The Reason why A Story of Fact and Fiction singl page 29 But my dear brothern an sistern they haint no water down thar its a awful A cistern is a waterproof receptacle for holding liquids usually water often built to catch and store rainwater Learn about the origins types and functions of cisterns in different cultures and regions from ancient times to present day Sistern Definition Meaning MerriamWebster Sistern ˈsɪstərn is a noun that refers to an underground reservoir for storing rainwater or a tankcistern for holding water especially for supplying a fountain Examples of usage include The sistern was built to collect rainwater for the dry season and The fountains water supply comes from a sistern located beneath the ground Cistern Wikipedia sistern Explore its Definition Usage RedKiwi Words A cistern is a container for collecting and storing water from various sources Learn how cistern water systems work what are their advantages and disadvantages and how much they cost to install and maintain Synonyms in Detail sistern and cistern Usage Differences sistern meaning definition WordSense sistern Wiktionary the free dictionary A cistern is a tank or reservoir for storing water or other liquids or a fluidcontaining sac or cavity in an organism Learn more about the word history examples synonyms and kebiasan related terms of cistern

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