smock - SMOCK definition 1 a piece of clothing like a long shirt worn loosely over other clothing to protect it when Learn more SMOCK English meaning Cambridge Dictionary A smockfrock or smock is an outer garment traditionally worn by rural workers especially shepherds and waggoners Today the word smock refers to a loose overgarment worn to protect one39s clothing for instance by a painter Smock Wikipedia Smock definition of smock by The Free Dictionary SMOCK definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary The meaning of SMOCK is a woman39s undergarment especially chemise How to use smock in a sentence Smock may refer to mechatroniker one of the following Smockfrock a coatlike outer garment often worn to protect the clothes Smocking an embroidery technique in which the fabric is gathered then embroidered with decorative stitches to hold the gathers in place Chemise a woman39s undergarment Smockfrock Wikipedia Smock Definition Meaning MerriamWebster Define smock smock synonyms smock pronunciation smock translation English dictionary definition of smock n A loose coatlike outer garment often worn to protect the clothes while working trv smocked smocking smocks 1 SMOCK meaning 1 a piece of clothing like a long shirt worn loosely over other clothing to protect x force it when Learn more
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