smon - SUBACUTE MYELOOPTIC NEUROPATHY SMON jnsjournalcom SMON zwavel subacute myeloopticoneuropathy is toxic neurological disease which had a profound impact on the population in Japan in 1960s The clinical characteristics of SMON includes an ascending sensory disturbance spasticity and visual impairment typically following abdominal symptoms Infection Subacute myelooptic neuropathy Wikipedia SMON Wikipedia Between about 1955 and 1970 some 100000 Japanese were diagnosed as having subacute myelooptic neuropathy SMON a new disease characterized by abdominal and neurological manifestations the former nearly always preceding the latter Circumstantial evidence obtained in 196970 suggested that SMON might have been caused by clioquinol CQL a gastrointestinal disinfectant and led to the Thirdly a large proportion of SMON patientsprobably about onethird and possibly morehad not taken CQL within six months of the onset of the disease the modal interval between first taking CQL and the onset of SMON being about three weeks and more than 100 days in only 4 of SMON patients of the remaining twothirds or so many had Fifity years after the identification of the cause of SMON Although the neurohistopathology of SMON has been more typically characterized by extensive degeneration within the dorsal columns and the optic nerve extensive evaluation of autopsy cases has also revealed degeneration of brainstem structures including the inferior olive and nucleus ruber Kono 1975 the roots of cranial nerves V VIII and SMON described by Japanese authors this is the first case reported outside Japan in which pathological verification has been obtained 1 NTRODUCTION The first cases of subacute myelooptic neuropathy were reported in Japan in the mid fifties and since then it has been studied from both a clinical Sobue Subacute myelooptic realete neuropathy SMON is an iatrogenic disease of the nervous system 1 leading to a disabling paralysis blindness and even death 2 Its defining manifestation was as an epidemic in Japan during the 1960s the Japanese government estimated 11000 were affected however the College of Medicine at the University of Tokyo put the number at 30000 citing a lack of Subacute myeloopticoneuropathy SMON is a clinical entity first reported from Japan in 1956 As numbers of cases increased the Japanese government in September 1969 set up the SMON research Neuropathologic studies on SMON patients and experimental reproduction of the disease in animals which had been administered clioquinol helped resolve the etiology of this disease Common pathologic features seen in SMON patients and in dogs and cats chronically intoxicated with clioquinol were distal dominant axonopathy mainly in the spinal Subacute myelooptic neuropathy and clioquinol An epidemiological case PDF Subacute myeloopticoneuropathy ResearchGate Subacute myeloopticoneuropathy clioquinol intoxication in PubMed Introduction Subacute myelooptico neuropathy SMON is a neurological disorder with acute abdominal pain and diarrhea followed by sensory disturbance ascending muscle weakness beginning from bilateral lower extremities and visual disturbance as a result of symmetrical demyelinization of the lateral posterior funiculi of the spinal cord optic nerve and peripheral nerves 13 SMON was Subacute myelooptic neuropathy and clioquinol An epidemiological case Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience Wiley Online Library Subacute myelooptic neuropathy SMON First neuropathological SMON may stand for Subacute myelooptic neuropathy an epidemic in Japan caused by clioquinol SMON a set of MIB extensions for RMON that allow the monitoring of switching equipment from a single management workstation in far greater detail city hatchback than offered by RMON
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