spreaded - spreaded WordReferencecom Dictionary of English

Brand: spreaded

spreaded - The meaning of SPREAD is to kode pos kedungadem bojonegoro open or expand over a larger area How to use spread in a sentence SPREAD definition 1 to cover or reach a wider or increasing area or to make something do this 2 to affect more Learn more Spread Definition Meaning Britannica Dictionary SPREAD Definition Translations Collins English Dictionary SPREAD definition in American English Collins Online Dictionary Though spreaded is rare in edited publications it is not hard to find a few scattered examples This pigment production plant is spreaded over 89 acres and includes a warehouse RD and application laboratory Business Standard The overall response to the incident inspired many kudos from Chief Ray who spreaded credit around Sooke News on bread 3 countable uncountable a soft food that you put on bread Use a lowfat spread instead of butter cheese spread area covered 4 countable usually singular spread of something the area that something exists in or happens in The company has a good geographical spread of hotels in this region SPREAD definition 1 to arrange something so that it covers a large area 2 to arrange for something to happen over Learn more spread noun Definition pictures pronunciation and usage SPREAD meaning 1 to open arrange or place something over a large area often out 2 to place things over a large area SPREAD Definition Meaning Dictionarycom spreaded WordReferencecom Dictionary of English For some people spreaded seems like a fitting past tense for the verb spread After all the past tense of thread is threaded She threaded the needle Spreaded rhymes with other past tense forms such as shredded sledded and breaded Might spreaded fall into this category of oddly satisfying things Some news sources seem to think so spreaded WordReference English dictionary questions discussion and forums All Free spread verb Definition pictures pronunciation and usage spread verb Definition pictures pronunciation and usage The earliest known use of the adjective spreaded is in the mid 1500s OEDs earliest evidence for spreaded is from 1567 in a translation by Arthur kode alam burung hantu Golding translator spreaded is formed within English by derivation 28 senses 1 to extend or unfold or be extended or unfolded to the fullest width 2 to extend or cause to extend over a larger Click for more definitions SPREAD definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary Spread definition See examples of SPREAD used in a sentence 28 meanings 1 to extend or unfold or be extended or unfolded to the fullest width 2 to extend or cause to extend over a Click for more definitions SPREAD English meaning Cambridge Dictionary Spreaded is an incorrect conjugation of spread based on an overgeneralization of regular verb conjugation rules to the irregular spread It is not considered a standard usage As you can see from this chart which graphs spreaded vs spread over the last 200 years spreaded almost never appears in published English Spread or Spreaded Is Spreaded a Word Writing Explained armslegs 3 transitive spread something out to move your arms legs fingers etc far apart from each other She spread her arms and the child ran toward her among people 4 intransitive transitive to affect or make something affect be known by or used by more and more people advprep What Is Spreaded Grammarly spreaded adj meanings etymology and more Oxford English SPREAD meaning 1 to cover or reach a wider or increasing area or to make something do this 2 to affect more Learn more SPREAD meaning Cambridge Learners Dictionary Discover everything about the word SPREAD in English meanings translations synonyms pronunciations examples and grammar insights all in one comprehensive guide SPREAD definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary Spread Definition Meaning MerriamWebster How to Use Spreaded Correctly GRAMMARIST The verb spread is an irregular verb This means that spread does not form its simple past tense or its past participle by adding ed or d to the base form The Verb Spread in English Grammar Monster Definition of spread verb in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Meaning pronunciation picture example sentences grammar usage mubyarto notes synonyms and more

