starkom - Nové rušiče STARKOM jsou unikátní Armáda využívá CZDEFENCE

Brand: starkom

starkom - This is a list of military yesus lahir equipment of the Czech Republic currently in service and in storage This includes weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic with the Army of the Czech Republic and its service branches namely the Czech Land Forces and Czech Air Force at their core The STARKOM system initially introduced to the Czech Armed Forces in 2022 goes beyond its role as an electronic jammer The acronym representing STAvebnicovy Rusic KOMunikacni Modular Communication Jammer highlights its versatility as both an electronic jammer and a mobile platform for electronic support measures and signal intelligence SIGINT The new STARKOM jammers are unique The Army is taking CZDEFENCE Czech Army unveils new indigenous STARKOM tactical Janes STARKOM is a modular tactical jammer mounted on a Tatra Force T8157T3RC1 88 chassis with an extended wheelbase designed to jam aerial and land targets on the operationaltactical level It has the ability to counter including modern frequencyagile systems such as frequencyhopping ones It jams enemy analog and digital voice and data Specialisté pro elektronický boj začali s výcvikem na zbrusu nový komunikační rušič STARKOM Jde o unikátní a přísně utajovanou technologii české výroby Stavebnicový systém na pancéřovaném vozidle Tatra s teleskopickými anténami dokáže rušit nejen rádiovou komunikaci protivníka a systémy velení ale také leteckou komunikaci mobily wifi sítě drony nebo STARKOM is a modular tactical jammer mounted on a Tatra Force T8157T3RC1 88 chassis with an extended wheelbase designed to jam aerial and land targets on the operationaltactical level It After three years the army has received another modernisation in the form of STARKOM jammers with a total of eight pieces of these unique sets to be acquired by the kupongame end of this year The system on a Tatra 8x8 chassis with several masts with antenna systems can for example interfere with the adversarys radio communications its command and Czech Army Reveals New STARKOM Mobile Electronic Warfare System Nové rušiče STARKOM významně zvyšují schopnosti 532 praporu New STARKOM jammers significantly enhance 532nd Electronic CZDEFENCE The STARKOM system is a mobile communication jammer and surveillance platform developed and manufactured by the Czech Army It can disrupt enemy communications across various spectrums and perform signal intelligence on the operationaltactical level List of military equipment of the Czech Army Wikipedia The Army of the Czech Republic or the 532nd Electronic Warfare Battalion 532 prEB will receive a total of 8 new STARKOM mobile communication jammers as part of its modernisation This system on a Tatra Force 88 chassis with several masts with antenna systems can for example interfere with the adversarys radio communications its command NATO deploys Czech STARKOM dual jammer and surveillance system in Obsluha moderního rušiče STARKOM vyžaduje od operátorů specifickou a vysokou odbornost ostatně vysoké nároky jsou kladeny na příslušníky celého 532 praporu elektronického boje Co vás konkrétně vedlo k této odbornosti Máte pravdu nejedná se o běžnou odbornost Já osobně jsem ji získal studiem na Univerzitě obrany Armáda dostala tajnou techniku do první linie Ruší iDNEScz NATO Collaboration in Focus Deploying Advanced Electronic Warfare Armáda se po třech letech dočkala další modernizace v podobě rušičů STARKOM kdy do konce tohoto roku získá celkem osm kusů těchto unikátních kompletů Systém na podvozku Tatra 8x8 s několika stožáry s anténními systémy dokáže například rušit rádiovou komunikaci protivníka jeho systémy velení a řízení vojsk Nové rušiče STARKOM jsou ciscuit unikátní Armáda využívá CZDEFENCE

