steigen - GermanEnglish translation for steigen Langenscheidt

Brand: steigen

steigen - Conjugation German verb steigen rise ascend apht adalah in present past subjunctive perfect many examples translations grammar rules speech output definitions exercises and downloads Netzverb Dictionary English Active Main Navigation Sitemap Inflection Conjugation Verbs Examples Worksheets Declension Nouns Adjectives steigen Translation in LEOs English German Dictionary leoorg STEIGEN translate German to English Cambridge Dictionary STEIGEN Translation in English babla Es gibt allerdings auch kleinere Währungen die stark steigen könnten However there are also smaller currencies which could strongly rise Und wenn Aktien gekauft werden steigen sie nicht schnell genug And when shares are purchased they do not rise quickly enough Sie sehen wirklich schön aus und ihr Wert wird ständig steigen They look really beautiful and their value will GermanEnglish translation for steigen Langenscheidt Learn the meaning pronunciation and usage of the German verb steigen which can mean to climb to rise to increase to get on or to happen See translations synonyms and examples from the Cambridge Dictionary and the Europarl Parallel Corpus steigen lassen Last post 26 Feb 08 1659 Die Ungewissheit lässt die Angst und die Wut in ihm stiegen Ich stehe auf dem schlauch br 3 Replies Drachen steigen Last post 23 Mar 07 1542 Ein Kind lässt einen Drachen steigen 4 Replies steigen auf Last post 01 Apr 08 1051 Die Preise steigen auf einen neuen Höchstwert Steigen Electric Laundry System Automated Appliances and Smart Living Devices Wenn seine Regierung berayun erfolgreich ist steigen die Chancen dass Afrika relativ unbeschadet bleibt Source NewsCommentary Within Afghanistan drug addiction is rising Innerhalb Afghanistans steigt die Zahl der Drogenabhängigen Source NewsCommentary English translation of steigen Collins Online Dictionary steigen Wiktionary the free dictionary Conjugation of German verb steigen Netzverb Dictionary steigen class 1 strong thirdperson singular present steigt past tense stieg past participle gestiegen auxiliary sein intransitive to ascend to climb to rise 1931 Arthur Schnitzler Flucht in die Finsternis S Fischer Verlag page 36 Die Papierarbeit wird steigen und die Reihen der Verantwortung und Entscheidungsgewalt innerhalb der Kommission werden immer undeutlicher The paper work will mount even as the lines of responsibility and decisionmaking in the Commission become even more confused Automatic Laundry System steigencomsg Steigen is one of these verbs that kind of flies below the radar of many students even though it is a super useful word that you can hear or see every day And not only steigen itself There are lots of cool prefix versions some funky differences between these versions some annoying things about translating them to English and there are also one or two or three or four or five surprising The meaning of steigen And its prefix versions Your Daily German English Translation of STEIGEN The official Collins GermanEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of German words and phrases TRANSLATOR steigen translation in ekstensif English GermanEnglish dictionary Reverso

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