suhendar - Suhendar CA BSI Corporate Transformation Office grativikasi amp Change Curious continuous learner who is passionate about science specializes on software Experience Teradyne Education National University of Singapore Location Singapore 500 connections on LinkedIn View Ardianto Suhendars profile on LinkedIn a professional community of 1 billion members View Riska Suhendars professional profile on LinkedIn LinkedIn is the worlds largest business network helping professionals like Riska Suhendar discover inside connections to recommended job candidates industry experts and business partners Former Indonesian Consul General Consul General in Hong Kong Ricky Suhendar officially served as Indonesian Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary LBBP to the Republic of Peru concurrently the Plurinational State of Bolivia domiciled in Lima The diplomat who served as the Indonesian Consul General in the Country of Concrete for the 20192023 period was appointed by President Suhendar SACHOEMAR Senior Researcher Doctor of Philosophy Former Consul General Ricky Suhendar Becomes Ambassador to Peru and Y Rafitasari H Suhendar N Imani F Luciana H Radean I Santoso Prosiding seminar nasional fisika ejournal 5 SNF2016MPS9598 2016 22 2016 ANALISIS MODEL PREDIKSI CUACA MENGGUNAKAN SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE GRADIENT BOOSTING RANDOM FOREST DAN DECISION TREE Suhendar CA will lead BSM to face the future challenges of Islamic banking against the disruptive company in financial industries to win the competition and serve better for the community in silamic banking services brbrSuhendar CA is a Chief of the Accounting Group of PT Bank jaga image Syariah Mandiri and he is also assigned as Shariah Accounting Dadang Suhendar Google Scholar Riska Suhendar Singapore Singapore Professional Profile LinkedIn Suhendar Suhendar This research emphasizes Corruption is a criminal act that is of a specific nature both in the context of actions and the party handling the investigation of the crime D Suhendar A Supriadin GGA Delilah T Sudiarti Article 2010 4 2010 Penerapan Asas Keterbukaan dalam Pengangkatan Perangkat Desa di Kabupaten Kuningan Guna Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Desa yang Baik E Yuhandra S Akhmaddhian D Suhendar Logika Jurnal Penelitian Universitas Kuningan 12 01 94108 2021 3 Dede Suhendar Google Scholar Suhendar I Sachoemar One of the tourism destinations prioritized by the Indonesian government for development to promote environmental sustainability is the Borobudur tourist region Haris Suhendar Google Scholar Ardianto Suhendar Teradyne LinkedIn Dadang Suhendar Google Scholar H Wiharno D Suhendar MN Komarudin Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pajak 21 2 321326 2021 3 2021 Determinan Optimalisasi Kinerja Organisasi Dengan Modmed Variabel Analisis Studi pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kuningan DR Hakim D Suhendar BisnisNet Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 2 2 2019 2 NF Hasanah LG Revianashar D Suhendar KY Abidin MI Pradiva PolymerPlastics Technology and Materials 62 16 20952120 2023 3 2023 Pretreatment of palm oil mill effluent POME using Lipase and Xylanase to improve biogas production OM Shafwah D Suhendar S Hudiyono Suhendar SUHENDAR Lecturer doctor lengcup of law Universitas Pamulang