sulistina - Oktavia Sulistina 0000000264872575 ORCID

Brand: sulistina

sulistina - effect of explanationdriven inquiry EDI and alfabet slot freebet initial abilities on Oktavia Sulistina and Rita Salimaturosidah Development of Senior High School Students Workbook Redox and Electrochemistry using SSI as a Context in InquiryBased Learning Oktavia Sulistina Dedek Sukariaingsih Endang Budiasih Muhammad Suaidy Hesti Puspitasari The effect of explanationdriven inquiry EDI and initial abilities on students scientific explanation skills SES AIP Conference Proceedings 1 April 2020 2215 1 020024 Sistine Chapel Wikipedia The Sistine Chapel ˈ s ɪ s t iː n SISTeen Latin Sacellum Sixtinum Italian Cappella Sistina kapˈpɛlla siˈstiːna is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace the popes official residence in Vatican CityOriginally known as the Cappella Magna Great Chapel it takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV who had it built between 1473 and 1481Since that time it has served as a place of PDF using SSI as a context in inquirybased learning workbook redox and Oktavia Sulistina a Chemistry Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Malang Indonesia 65145 a Corresponding author oktaviasulistinafmipaumacid Search for other works by this author on This Site PubMed Google Scholar HR Widarti H Herunata O Sulistina H Habiddin Y Nadhifah International Conference on Learning Innovation 2019 ICLI 2019 2125 2020 6 2020 Yahmin2013 Pengembangan Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia SMA kode pos tanjung batu Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Materi Laju Reaksi dan Kesetimbangan Kimia Chemical literacy skills on competencies and attitude aspects of senior Oktavia Sulistina 0000000264872575 ORCID Oktavia Sulistina Rita Salimaturosidah Development of senior high school students workbook redox and electrochemistry using SSI as a context in inquirybased learning AIP Conf Proc 10 January 2023 2569 1 030013 National Research and Innovation Agency BRIN Indonesia Cited by 172 Microbiology Sulistina 25 Oktober 1925 31 Agustus 2016 adalah istri dari pahlawan nasional Sutomo atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Bung Tomo Sulistina adalah perawat di Palang Merah Indonesia pada masa perang kemerdekaan Ia menikah dengan Bung Tomo pada tanggal 19 Juni 1947 dan dikaruniai empat orang anak Pada tahun 1955 Sulistina mendirikan Yayasan Sayap Ibu sebuah yayasan sosial yang ORCID record for Oktavia Sulistina ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research scholarship and innovation activities Oktavia SULISTINA State University of Malang Malang UM Sulistina Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Development of senior high school students workbook redox and Sulistiani Google Scholar Oktavia Sulistina Google Scholar Oktavia Sulistina One of the topics in the area of the redox reaction which is considered difficult for many students is the determination of spundbond the atomic oxidation number

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