sulistiyono - Sulistiyono Google Scholar H Sulistiyono LM roll cat Lye FI Khan M Yang D Oldford J Dolny 2014 OceansSt Johns 15 2014 4 2014 Kajian Pengaruh Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Kualitas Air Guna Pengendalian Pencemaran Air Pada Waduk Pandanduri Sungai Palung di Kabupaten Lombok Timur SW Dinasia E Setiawan H Sulistiyono Prof Dr Adi Sulistiyono SH MH Majelis Wali Amanat UNS Sulistiyono SULISTIYONO Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Heri Sulistiyono Google Scholar Prof Dr Adi Sulistiyono SHMH lahir di Semarang 9 Februari 1963 Tahun 1988 diterima menjadi CPNS Dosen Fakultas Hukum UNS dengan NIP 131 793 333 kemudian diganti dengan NIP 19630209 198803 1003 Golongan Pangkat IVE Masa studi SD sampai SMA ditempuh di Semarang Tahun 1987 Lulus Sarjana Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Tahun 1994 lulus Magister Hukum Ekonom Universitas Indonesia pada PDF Contest For Seascape Local Thalassocracies and SinoIndian Trade Sulistiyono also studied how the Dutch colonial powers at the end of the 19th century had arranged sea and island spatial arrangements to integrate their colonies in the Indonesian archipelago through the reconstruction of trade routes ports and production areas which were all aimed at exploiting the colony and Institut Pertanian Bogor Cited by 1353 Eco Biology of Fishes Ichthyology Crustacean Biology Fish Conservation Community Development HERI SULISTIYONO Universitas Mataram S2 Mitigasi Bencana SINTA ID 6015416 Civil Engineering Water Resources Hydrology Climate Change 638 SINTA Score Overall 105 SINTA Score 3Yr 638 Affil Score 105 Affil Score 3Yr jdv Articles Researches Community Services IPRs Books Metrics Latest number of publications Scopus Web of Science Welcome Dr Singgih Tri Sulistiyono MHum to American Journal of SINTA Science and Technology Index S Sulistiyono A Rahutama AD Candra A Priyantoro Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Energi dan Mineral 1 2 8294 2021 2021 APLIKASI METODE CWT CONTINOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM UNTUK MENGETAHUI SEBARAN BATUBARA PADA PENGEMBANGAN UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION SUMATRA SELATAN Sulistiyono Sulistiyono This research aims to develop and validation games to develop character in the students Football School under 12 years age group This study was conducted using R and D M Handayani E Sulistiyono F Rokhmanto N Darsono PL Fransisca IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 578 1 012073 2019 24 2019 Decomposition of ilmenite in hydrochloric acid to obtain high grade titanium dioxide S Wahyuningsih E Pramono F Firdiyono E Sulistiyono SB Rahardjo Eko Sulistiyono Google Scholar Heri SULISTIYONO Head of Faculty PhD ResearchGate Prof Dr Ir Sulistiono MSc Google Scholar Heri Sulistiyono Flood is a hydrometeorological disaster that often occurs in West Nusa Tenggara especially in the Brang Ode River Kalimango Village Alas District Sumbawa Regency My name is Dr Singgih Tri Sulistiyono MHum professor of the Department of History Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University Semarang Indonesia I have received my PhD in history from Leiden University the Netherlands in 2003 Currently I am working as Professor strakcer in Department of History
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