sunkrisps - Sunkrisps Cemilan Sehat Anak Sunkrispsid

Brand: sunkrisps

sunkrisps - CoFounder at Sunkrisps Impact Entrepreneur Magician jppipa unram of Healthy Snacks from Vegetables Pengalaman Sunkrisps Indonesia Pendidikan Institut Teknologi Bandung ITB Lokasi Jawa Barat 422 koneksi di LinkedIn Lihat profil Sandra Alfina di LinkedIn komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota SUNKRISPS is a foodmanufacturing company of vegetablebased snacks with aim to help urban mother providing healthy snacks and meals for her family with high nutrition in the products Bogor Jawa Barat Indonesia SUNKRISPS is a foodmanufacturing company of vegetablebased snacks with aim to help urban mother providing healthy snacks and meals for her family with high nutrition in the products 46K Followers 1662 Following 2414 Posts Cemilan Sehat dengan Sayuran sunkrispsid on Instagram Snack Anti Stunting atasi ANAK SUSAH MAKAN SAYUR HALAL BPOM Protein from Eggs and Cheese one of the important substances needed by the body Especially for little ones who are growing up Sunkrisps Rainbow Puff is safe for your little one to consume because it uses natural ingredients and is suitable as a snack for your little one and without using MSG and Preservatives NO MILK Deal Share Platform AVPN Sunkrisps PT Kreasi Krispi Indonesia Glints Sunkrisps LinkedIn Sunkrisps Official Shop Produk Resmi Terlengkap Tokopedia Sunkrisps PT Kreasi Krispi Indonesia Glints Sunkrisps Indonesia Crunchbase Company Profile Funding Sunkrisps Gali Peluang dari Bisnis Camilan Sehat Aug 29 2019 Lewat inovasi makanan olahan sayuran ini Sunkrisps memiliki visi untuk memberikan nutrisi terbaik bagi anakanak Adapun harga produk yang ditawarkan berkisar dari Rp29000Rp75000 Bisnis Sunkrisps menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan hingga pertumbuhan berkali lipat Bagaimana cerita strategi dan inspirasi bisnisnya Cemilan Sehat dengan Sayuran sunkrispsid Instagram SUNKRISPS is a foodmanufacturing company of vegetablebased snacks with aim to help urban mother providing healthy snacks and meals for her family with high nutrition in the products SUNKRISPS dream To nourish children to be worlds brightest generation by innovating food products from vegetable with premium quality The Evolution of Sunkrisps kinaraindonesiaid Mini Rainbow Stick Original Sunkrispsid SUNKRISPS produces snacks based on locally grown vegetables to help mothers in urban areas provide healthy eating companions Cemilan Anak Sehat tinggi serat dan Nutrisi Untuk anak yang susah makan Sayur Berbentuk Stick diproses secara modern tanpa Gula dan MSG Sunkrisps 882 likes 6090 talking about this A Food Manufacturing Company of Vegetablebased Snacks and Packaged Foods with aim to help urban mothers providing healthy snacks and meals for her Sunkrisps Email Address Phone Number Lusha Rainbow Stick Original Stik Pelangi Original Sunkrispsid Sunkrisps Official Shop merupakan Akun rukim Resmi Sunkrisps di Shopee Temukan aneka cemilan sehat buatan lokal di Sunkrisps Shopee Gratis Ongkir SeIndonesia Sunkrisps Bintang Kirana Sejahtera Cemilan SehatPengganti Sayuran Tinggi Nutrisi Serat tanpaGula dan MSG BACA SELENGKAPNYA Previous Next Slide 1 HeadingLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolorClick Here Cemilan SehatPengganti Sayuran Tinggi Nutrisi Serat tanpa Gula dan MSG BACA SELENGKAPNYA Produk Gabung menjadiBagian keluargaSunkrisps Ada banyak keuntungan menantidengan bergabung menjadikeluarga Suni Sandra Alfina the cofounder of Sunkrisps stated that the saying is practically her life motto and what kept her motivated in growing her business Sunkrisps formerly known as Hello Sunshine produce healthy and tasty snacks that are processed from vegetables Sandra admitted that her entrepreneurial journey feels more like a spiritual journey Tentang SunKrisps Sunkrisps is a Food Manufacturing company of healthy snacks made from vegetables aiming to help urban mothers to provide healthy meals for her family with high nutrition in the products We work directly with local farmers for fresh vegetables and empowering women through the supply chain from farmers employees to resellers and customers Our vision Sandra Alfina CoFounder CEO Sunkrisps Indonesia LinkedIn Tak usah khawatir Sunkrisps senantiasa menghadirkan produk snack dan bumbu tabur anak terbaik dengan pilihan rasa yang enak dan tentunya tetap menyehatkan Telah hadir lewat Tokopedia ada banyak snack anak yang bisa kamu dapatkan secara online dari Sunkrisps Official Shop Dibuatlah snack SUNKRISPS sebuah inovasi makanan dengan pengolahan berbagai sayuran dengan memberdayakan petani juga peternak lokal Ditangan pasangan muda ini Sunkrisps tumbuh dengan memberdayakan lulusan SMKsederajat Awalnya Sandra dan Ricky bergerak dengan 2 karyawan lalu di tahun 2018 bertambah menjadi 5 orang Sunkrisps Cemilan Sehat Anak Sunkrispsid Sunkrisps Facebook Sunkrisps AVPN Toko Online Sunkrisps Official Shop Shopee Indonesia Cemilan Anak Sehat tinggi serat dan Nutrisi Untuk anak yang susah makan Sayur Berbentuk Stick diproses secara modern tanpa Gula dan MSG Versi Mini However the taste of vegetables are mostly bitter and it leads to children defensive behaviour of veggies Based on the parents experience through Sunkrisps Sandra and Ricky have a passion to help parents starts healthy eating habits in their family to be specific with the children in a fun and easy way At Sunkrisps we are innovating and creating healthy snack products from vegetables with 85 of the nutrients preserved We understand that children have a natural aversion to vegetables that is why our products are also rainbowcolored to be enticing while also being nutritious and delicious delighting tuhanmu parents and kids alike

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