sutiman - Nano Sutiman diswayid

Brand: sutiman

sutiman - Sutiman B Sumitro is a professor pmse from the Department of Biology Brawijaya University Malang Indonesia Besides being an advisor of IMI Prof Sutiman is also an academic at Universitas Brawijaya and a director of research at the Free Radical Research Institute Malang He has 2 patents including The protein molecules of pellucida zone Jabatan Fungsional Professor Bidang Penelitian Biologi Sel dan Nano Biologi Email sutimanatubacid Pendidikan Sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada UGM Jogjakarta 19731978 Master Universitas Gadjah Mada UGM Jogjakarta 19821984 About Us Institut Molekul Indonesia Sutiman B Sumitro Professor of Nano Biology Brawijaya University Verified email at ubacid cell biology nano biology molecular biology microscopy Articles Cited by Public access Coauthors Title Sort Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title Cited by Cited by Year Sutiman Bambang Sumitro a a Department of Biology Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Brawijaya University Jl Veteran Malang 65145 East Java Indonesia b Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Biology Gadjah Mada University Teknika Selatan Sekip Utara 55281 Yogyakarta Indonesia c Department of Chemistry Sutiman Sumitro currently works at the Department of Biology Brawijaya University Sutiman does research in Cell Biology Their current project is Researchbased on Herbs Exploration and Affiliations 1 Department of Emergency Medicine Kandang Kerbau Womens and Childrens Hospital Singapore nataliasutimanmohhcomsg 2 Kandang Kerbau Womens and Childrens Hospital Singapore 3 Center of Quantitative Medicine SingHealth DukeNUS Academic Medical Centre Singapore 4 Department of Emergency Medicine Kandang Kerbau Womens and Childrens Hospital Singapore Sutiman Herminarto Sofyan bogil Soenarto Farid Mutohhari Muhammad Nurtanto European Journal of Educational Research 11 3 16691682 2022 28 2022 Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Kantor Kecamatan Pamulang E Ariyanti S Sutiman G Amalia H Hoya Sutiman Google Scholar Nano Sutiman diswayid Natalia Sutiman Google Scholar Buku biografi Prof Drs Sutiman Bambang Sumitro BSc SU DSc ini menguraikan perjalanan hidup pemikiran dan implementasinya di dalam kehidupan di masyarakat Beliau adalah akademisi di Universitas Brawijaya UB khususnya Departemen Biologi yang dikenal tidak saja oleh muridmuridnya tetapi juga di kalangan luas masyarakat Prof Sutiman baru saja pensiun sebagai guru besar FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya Malang Ia pernah jadi dekan di sana Dua periode Ia sudah membimbing 70 orang doktor baru di berbagai bidang ilmu Nano bubble diciptakan untuk menjaga kebugaran badan Kebugaran adalah salah satu kunci untuk sehat Sutiman B Sumitro Google Scholar Protocol for the diagnostic performance of C reactive protein Buku Baru Biografi Prof Drs Sutiman B Sumitro SU DSc Prof Drs Sutiman Bambang Sumitro SU DSc Department of Biology UB Sutiman SUMITRO Graduate School of Biomedical Science DSc PDF Dysfunctional energy and future perspective of low dose H2O2 as S Lal N Sutiman LL Ooi ZW Wong NS Wong PCS Ang B Chowbay The pharmacogenomics journal 17 4 337343 2017 26 2017 Pharmacokinetics alterations in critically ill pediatric patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation a systematic review N Sutiman JC Koh K Watt C Hornik B Murphy puasa mutih YH Chan JH Lee

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