syahrial - Syahrial Google Scholar

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syahrial - Agam Syahrial Graduate Assistant Ohio University disrupsi LinkedIn ORCID record for Syahrial Syahrial ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research scholarship and innovation activities The impact of etnocontructivism in social affairs on ed Syahrial ORCID Rombongan dipimpin Wakil Ketua Syahrial ST MSi bersama Ketua Komisi III H Adri SE serta sekretaris Surya Budiman dan anggota Menurut salah seorang staf kantor camat dalam kesempatan ini menerangkan meskipun dalam pandemi Covid19 seperti Syahrial Shaddiq Minuman adalah cairan yang berfungsi untuk menghilangkan dahaga Minuman pada jaman ini sangat memiliki banyak variasi mulai dari minuman tanpa rasa hingga minuman berpemanis Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences Hai Aku Syahrial Sebagai avidreader terkadang bingung di mana tempat untuk menulis refleksi terhadap buku yang sudah kubaca Memang ada banyak situs seperti Goodreads tetapi di situs tersebut banyak distraksi yang ga bikin aku ingin nulis So this is the place to dump all my thoughts on books and also life Syahrial Oesman Wikipedia Program PPM yang dilaksanakan oleh Dr Syahrial SS MHum bersama dengan timnya berfokus pada pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan seni tradisi Gamelan Sari dan Silat Kelabang Liar Lokasi pelaksanaan program tersebar di 2 provinsi yaitu DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat S Syahrial DA Kurniawan A Asrial H Sabil S Maryani EFS Rini Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 17 7 22472261 2022 31 2022 Pedagogic competence and Syahrials Journals Syahrial Syahrial ORCID Universitas Negeri Padang Cited by 959 Motor Development Sport Management Physical Education Talent Identification S Syahrial R Anggraini APA Samad N Ikhsan D Saleky L Hasidu Jurnal Enggano 5 2 233248 2020 4 2020 Correlation of environmental factors and spatial Profil Pengabdi Dr Syahrial SS MHum PPM UI Syahrial Oesman born 25 May 1955 is an Indonesian politician currently of the Nasdem Party who served as the governor of South Sumatra between 2003 and 2008 and cieunteung previously as regent of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency between 2000 and 2003 After his gubernatorial term ended he was convicted of bribery and was imprisoned for three years Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo Cited by 46 Machine Learning Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence Data Science Embedded System Syahrial Google Scholar Dec 21 2020 Syahrial I Supriyati Y Sujanto B 2020 Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship 42 24 35 The Influence of Succession Management and Performance Employe e to Jan 1 2011 ORCID record for Syahrial Syahrial ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research scholarship and innovation activities Syahrial Syahrial1 Asrial Asrial2 Dwi Agus Kurniawan3 Faizal Chan4 Ahmad Hariandi5 Reza Aditya Pratama6 Putut Nugrogo7 Retno Septiasari8 1245678Department of Elementarry Teaching and Education Universitas Jambi Indonesia 3Department of Physics Education Universitas Jambi Indonesia Article Info ABSTRACT Article history Stunting Classification in Childrens Measurement Neliti Syahrial Bakhtiar Google Scholar The Influence of Succession Management and Performance Syahrial Google Scholar Syahrial Google Scholar Dr Ir Syahrial Shaddiq MEng MM Google Scholar View Agam Syahrials profile on LinkedIn a professional community of 1 billion members PhD student in Innovative Learning Design and Technology My research interests lie at the intersection 748 Followers 1977 Following 5 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from syahrial syahrial SYAHRIAL ST MSi Official Web Personal Syahrial Syahrial Google Scholar Syahrial SHADDIQ Professor Assistant Dr Ir ST M Syahrial Syahrial et al Stunting Classification in Childrens Measurement Data Using Machine Learning Models Journal La Multiapp vol 3 no 2 syahrial syahrial Instagram photos and videos ADDRESS OF CORRESPONDENCE Syahrial Syahrial Universitas Jambi Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Jambi Indonesia Email address porigihgmailcom Associate Professor Universitas Bengkulu Cited by 98 English Teaching ESP Materials Development Universitas Lambung Mangkurat ULM Cited by 1168 Islamic Studies Economics Business Electrical sabuk silat Electronics Engineering IS IT

