tersohor - tersohor in English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe

Brand: tersohor

tersohor - Translation of tersohor from Indonesian into ds200tcrag1a English LingQ tersohor in English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe tersohor Wikikamus bahasa Indonesia Carian Umum Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu Tersohor in English Tersohor Meaning and Malay to English Dec 9 2024 Find more about tersohor the meaning of tersohor and translation of tersohor from Indonesian to English on Kamusnet Login The STANDS4 Network Abbreviationscom Arti Kata Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI KBBI Online tersohor tersohor v kesohor Kata tersohor digunakan dalam beberapa kalimat KBBI Referensi dari KBBI kenal kalimat ke 12 terkenal v dikenal atau diketahui Difference between terkenal and tersohor meaning famous Translation of tersohor into English famous fame renown are the top translations of tersohor into English Sample translated sentence Orang Mesir juga tersohor karena mengembangkan papirus sebagai alat tulis The Egyptians are also famous for developing papyrus as a writing material Arti Kata Tersohor di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI TERSOHOR Translation in English babla tersohor Arti Kata tersohor Kamus Besar Tersohor in English Tersohor Meaning and Translation from Tersohor is an adjective that means famous or wellknown in Indonesian See the English translation synonyms and examples of tersohor in sentences tersohor in English IndonesianEnglish Dictionary Glosbe Definisi tersohor Arti Kata tersohor Arti kata tersohor Semua maksud kata dari KBBI tersohor English translation of tersohor Translations examples and discussions from LingQ Tersohor adalah kata kerja yang berasal dari kata dasar sohor Tersohor menyatakan orang yang tersohor yaitu orang yang mengalami sesuatu tindakan keberadaan pengalaman atau pengertian dinamis lainnya The English for tersohor is famous Find more Indonesian words at wordhippocom Kamus Besar dari tersohor dalam Bahasa Indonesia Istilah tersohor apa artinya tersohor verba v kesohor v sumber kbbi3 Sinonim kesohor Katakata Terkait Maksud arti kata dari tersohor kata berbahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia Definisi pengertian dari tersohor Definitions of words in Indonesian and English Synomyms Dictionary Sinonim Kamus dan lainlain Nov 22 2023 Tersohor in English What does tersohor mean in English If you want to learn tersohor lamora in English you will find the translation here along with other translations from Filipino to English You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce tersohor in English and how to read it We hope this will help you in learning languages tersohor Bahasa Inggris terjemahan Kamusnet What does tersohor mean in Indonesian WordHippo tersohor Arti tersohor di KBBI adalah kesohor Lihat arti dan definisi di jagokata Database utama KBBI merupakan Hak Cipta Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa Kemdikbud Pusat Bahasa Definisiarti kata tersohor di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI adalah kesohor v cak termasyhur ternama terkenal Pulau Bali ke seluruh du Tersohor means celebrity fame or famous person in English See how to use this word in sentences and learn its pronunciation and grammar tersohor ter sohor terkenal Sinonim kesohor Frasa dan kata majemuk Variasi Terjemahan Terjemahan Lihat pula Cari leksem ini di Wikidata tersohor Tersohor in English Tersohor Meaning and Translation from Malay Aug 7 2023 What does tersohor mean in English If you want to learn tersohor in English you will find the translation here along with other translations from Malay to English You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce tersohor in English and how to read it We hope this will help you in learning languages Salam sejahtera Samakah maksud seantero dunia dengan tersohor Sekian Seantero bermaksud seluruh dunia manakala tersohor pula bermaksud termasyhur Lainlain 07082016 Mereka sedang berbincang dengan ahli perniagaan yang tersohor itu untuk mencungkil pengalaman beliau munsyi apakah perkataan yang sesuai menggantikan mencungkil TK Tersohor is a Malay word that means illustrious or distinguished Learn how to pronounce and use it in different contexts and see other Malay words with similar meanings Tersohor is a formal word usually use it in article or newspaper Terkenal is a common word use in daily conversations Reply reply sippher Terkenal aside from Arti kata tersohor Kamus Besar bumzu Bahasa Indonesia KBBI Online

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