tespel - PDF TracerEncapsulated Pellet Injection for Plasma Diagnostics

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tespel - Jun 5 2003 Summary form only kode virtual dana ke bca given as follows Unique diagnostic method has been developed with using tracerencapsulated pellet TESPEL injection TESPEL consists of polystyrene as an outer shell and of specific material as a tracer The amount of the trace varies from on ball with diameter of 100 spl mum to 8 balls with the same diameter each The special features of TESPEL injection into the Feb 10 2012 In this article as TESPEL is used in a variety of fields the TESPEL injection system is summarized together with the method of TESPEL production TESPEL storage disk TESPEL guide system and the differential pumping system Also the observation system for TESPEL flight and TESPEL ablation is explained Development of TESPEL Configurations for Plasma Diagnostics Keywords TESPEL pellet tracer impurity diagnostics neutron diagnostics DOI 101585pfr91202082 A Tracerencapsulated Solid Pellet TESPEL injection method has contributed so far to the various fields of plasma diagnostics as reported1 However we noticed that more detailed control of the tracer deposition location Jan 1 2014 TESPEL consists of polystyrene as an outer shell and of specific material as a tracer in the core Owing to the advantages of the TESPEL the following results have been successfully obtained 1 Integration of the TESPEL injection system at W7X If you need the TESPEL even without the tracer in your experiment please contact the person in charge Dr Naoki Tamura tamuranaokinifsacjp in advance at least one month before the start of the LHD experimental campaign because the TESPEL is a handmade pellet and the TESPEL can be injected only by his operation 5 Multipletracer TESPEL injection IOPscience Jan 1 2020 The TESPEL TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet is a polystyrene shell C 8 H 8 filled with tracer particles Fig 1 which will be shot into the plasma The deposition of the tracer material is on a welldefined location in the core plasma because the shell dimension and speed of the TESPEL can influence the penetration depth of the plasma This paper reports on the detailed design of a completely new TESPEL injection system which has been designed by the National Institute for Fusion Science Toki Japan and is currently being installed at MaxPlanckInstitut für Plasmaphysik Greifswald Germany for the Wendelstein 7X The TESPEL injection into the TJII plasma was successfully achieved which was confirmed by several pellet diagnostics including a normalincidence spectrometer for monitoring a tracer impurity behavior A tracerencapsulated solid pellet TESPEL injection system for the TJII stellarator was recently developed In order to reduce the time and cost for the development we combined a TESPEL TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet TESPEL Injection System Integration of the TESPEL injection system at W7X Sep 1 1998 The TESPEL acceleration has been successfully performed and photos of the pellets in flight confirmed the TESPEL integrity For the pellets with diameter 300400 μ m and wall thickness 4050 μ m the pellet fragility becomes insignificant Download scientific diagram TESPEL injection system with function of differential pumping from publication Tracerencapsulated solid pellet injection system The method of tracerencapsulated Unique diagnostic developments with tracerencapsulated gondongan adalah TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet TESPEL injection system Tracerencapsulated solid pellet injection system PubMed In order to obtain a better understanding of impurity transport in magnetically confined plasmas a TracerEncapsulated Soild PELlet TESPEL has been developed The essential points of the TESPEL are as follows the TESPEL has a doublelayered TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet TESPEL injection system Jan 1 2020 The TESPEL TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet is a polystyrene shell C 8 H 8 filled with tracer particles Fig 1 which will be shot into the plasma The deposition of the tracer material is on a welldefined location in the core plasma because the shell dimension and speed of the TESPEL can influence the penetration depth of the plasma Creation of Impurity Source inside Plasmas with Various Types TESPEL injection system with function of differential pumping Production and acceleration of tracer encapsulated solid injected a TESPEL into the Large Helical Device mainly with triple tracers vanadium V manganese Mn and cobalt Co The Lilike lines in the vacuum ultraviolet range and the K α lines in the soft xray range from these Schematic view of the whole TESPEL diagnostic system Tracerencapsulated solid pellet injection system The method of tracerencapsulated solid pellet TESPEL is now flourishing in various fields The original purpose to study impurity transport without giving substantial perturbation on the plasma is implemented successfully for years In addition to this TESPEL is being intensively applied to stud PDF TracerEncapsulated Pellet Injection for Plasma Diagnostics Jan 5 2018 This unique arrangement has been created by piggybacking a TESPEL injector onto the backend of a pipeguntype PI The combined injector provides a powerful new tool for comparing ablation and penetration of polystyrene TESPEL pellets and solid hydrogen pellets as well as for contrasting subsequent pellet particle deposition and plasma One method for performing such studies is the tracerencapsulated solidpellet TESPEL technique in which a hollow polystyrene shell CHC 6 H 5 CH 2 n filled with a known quantity of TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet TESPEL Development of TESPEL Configurations for Plasma Diagnostics TracerEncapsulated Solid Pellet TESPEL injection system Sep 14 2016 A tracerencapsulated solid pellet TESPEL injection system for the TJII stellarator was recently developed In order to reduce the time and cost for the development we combined a TESPEL injector provided by National Institute for Fusion Science with an existing TJII cryogenic pellet injection system TESPEL is a doublelayered impurity pellet It consists of a polystyrene C8H8n polymer outer layer with a selected impurity tracer embedded in its core The tracer amount in the TESPEL is deduced during the fabrication process by measuring the particle size Due to its structure a TESPEL protects its tracer impurity during early tron from this thickshell type TESPEL to that of the LHD plasma is only 67 in the case of the averaged bulk electrondensity of31019 m3 Concerning theamount ofthe tracer impurity in the thickshell type TESPEL for example a titanium Ti of about 31017 particles at a maximum can be loaded into the TESPEL with the size as described Comparison of cryogenic a1502za hydrogen and TESPEL polystyrene

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