topsin - PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington Dc 20460 Us Epa

Brand: topsin

topsin - Topsin 45FL Fungicide Do My Own berkelok Apply Topsin M WSB with ground or aerial equipment using sufficient volume of spray to provide thorough coverage Add required amount of Topsin M WSB to partially filled tank agitated by mechanical or hydraulic means and then add remaining required amount of water Continuous agitation is required to keep the material in suspension TOPSIN M WSB Fungicide UPL Topsin 500SC fungicid pentru fainare putregai si fuzarioza Marcoser TOPSIN M WSB Fungicide Thiophanatemethyl THIOPHANATEMETHYL TOPSIN M WSB Fungicide is a broadspectrum systemic fungicide that is the standard used by dry bean growers TOPSIN provides reliable control of white mold leaf spot powdery mildew various rot diseases and other diseases in a broad range of crops Topsin M 70WP for at least one season As long as these precautions are followed Topsin M 70WP can be useful for disease control even if resistant strains are present MIXING INSTRUCTIONS If other materials are to be added to the tank especially fertilizers high in nitrogen or boron wait until the Topsin M 70WP is fully dissolved before TOPSIN 45FL FUNGICIDE is a product registered by the US EPA for use as a fungicide on various crops and ornamentals The web page provides the labels chemical and brand names transfer history site pest and EPA registration number for this product PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington Dc 20460 Us Epa Topsin 45l Upl PDF US EPA Pesticide Product Label TOPSIN M WSB04302020 PDF Topsin Crop Restrictions Diseases Acre Lbs 100 Gal Remarks PDF GROUP 1 FUNGICIDE TOPSIN M 70WP TELUS Agriculture Consumer Goods Prepare a suspension of TOPSIN M WSB in a mix tank Fill the tank with 1 2 asia888 or 3 4 the desired amount of water Start mechanical or hydraulic agitation Slowly add the required amount of TOPSIN M WSB and then the remaining volume of water Sprinkler IrrigationNotes Observe all System Requirements and Application Instructions above Topsin 500 SC se aplica prin stropire cu volumul de apa recomandat pentru fiecare cultura pentru a asigura o acoperire corecta a masei foliare Eficacitatea cea mai buna se obtine cand tratamentele se aplica preventiv inainte desau la aparitia primelor simptome de boala TOPSIN 45L Fungicide thiophanate methyl THIOPHANATEMETHYL TOPSIN 45FL Fungicide is a broadspectrum systemic fungicide that is the standard used by dry bean growers TOPSIN provides reliable control of white mold leaf spot powdery mildew various rot diseases and other diseases in a broad range of crops PDF FUNGICIDE Arxada Topsin 45FL Fungicide is a flowable liquid formula that provides effective control of fungal diseases on a wide variety of crops Using Thiophanatemethyl as its active ingredient this specially formulated fungicide delivers reliable systemic control of listed diseases such as powdery mildew downy spot leaf spot white mold rot diseases and more Do not apply less than 2 Lha Topsin M4A on apples or less than 3 litresha Topsin M4A on pears The inclusion of a powdery mildew fungicide is not necessary when using Topsin M4A Grapes Botrytis Blackspot 100 ml100 litres water Apply 1 only spray of Topsin M4A plus an appropriate protectant fungicide between flowering and harvest Do Topsin 45FL is a registered fungicide containing thiophanatemethyl for use on various crops The label provides directions for use precautions first aid and other information for handling and applying the product Labels for TOPSIN 45FL lamtoto FUNGICIDE 8033122 US EPA

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