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Tablet is an antiallergic medicine It is used to treat common allergy symptoms such as sneezing runny nose itchy throat itchywatery eyes and skin rash It works by blocking the action of a chemical substance that causes allergic symptoms and provides relief from allergies Unicet 10 MG Tablet may cause some side effects such as sleepiness diarrhoea nausea dry mouth يونيسيتامول نقط Unicetamol تحتوى على مادة باراسيتامول والمعروفة ايضا باسم اسيتامينوفين وهى مادة تساعد بشكل فعال وأمن على خفض درجة حرارة الطفل وتخفيف الآلام المتوسطة unicetamol 100 mg oral drops Rosheta يونيسيتامول Unicetamol مسكن وخافض للحرارة لعلاج الآلام Nicetamol 125 MG Tablet is the most widely used overthecounter OTC medication It is used for the treatment of fever It also provides relief from headache toothache backache nerve pain musculoskeletal pain etc associated withwithout fever Nicetamol 125 MG Tablet works by decreasing the intensity of pain signals to the brain It also prevents the release of prostaglandins the 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