uran - Uran planet Wikipedija prosta enciklopedija Uranus obat alpara 101 National Geographic YouTube Atomic number Z 92 Group fblock groups no number Period period 7 Block fblock Electron configuration 5f 3 6d 1 7sElectrons per shell 2 8 18 32 21 Group fblock groups no number Period period 7 Block fblock Electron configuration 5f 3 6d 1 7sElectrons per shell 2 8 18 32 21 9 2 Physical Уран планета Уикипедия Learn about uranium a radioactive element that is the main source of fuel for nuclear reactors Find out how uranium is mined enriched processed and used in the nuclear fuel cycle Uran Wikipedia What is Uranium IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Themes Uranium Nuclear ETF URAN Yahoo Finance Uran is a fishing and agriculture village that has developed into a special economic zone near Mumbai It has a history of Maratha Portuguese and British rule and is home to a naval base a port a power plant and a naval base Uranium radioactive chemical element of the actinoid series of the periodic table atomic number 92 It is an important nuclear fuel It is a dense hard metallic element that is silvery white in color It is ductile malleable kode m bca ke dana and capable of taking a high polish Learn more about uranium in this article Uranium Wikipedia Fő cikk Az urán izotópjai izotóp természetes előfordulás felezési idő bomlás mód energia termék 232 U mest 689 y α SF 5414 228 Th 233 U Urán Wikipédia Uranium Definition Properties Uses Facts Britannica Find the latest Themes Uranium Nuclear ETF URAN stock quote history news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing Uran je bil prvi odkriti planet ki v antičnih časih še ni bil poznan Opazovali so ga že prej vendar so ga vedno zmotno poistovetili kot zvezda predvsem zaradi majhnega navideznega sija in počasnega tira 4 Prvo zapisano odkritje je bilo leta 1690 ko je John Flamsteed katalogiziral Uran kot 34 BikaFlamsteed je Uran opazoval še vsaj šestkrat Learn about Uranus the seventh planet from the sun in this educational video by National Geographic Discover its unique features such as its cold temperature its tilted axis and its origin of its name Уран е седмата планета от Слънчевата системаТя има третия по размер планетарен радиус и четвърта по големина планетарна маса в Слънчевата система Uranium Simple English peris Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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